
I'm 30, so age/graphic requirements are not a thing. I've tried it a few times, it is just not good.

I can't be the only one who never liked this game at all and doesn't understand the level of love it gets.

i'm a bit more than halfway through dream team and my advice is to skip it. boring. slow. not really that fun at all. i'm going to finish it but meh.

brawl in the family is great. he took some time off for some kind of serious illness or family problem or something, but he's back now.

there's a rhyme

I also live in northern NJ. I'm still confused as to which America you live in because we clearly don't live in the same place.

i may have to try 6 at some point. i actually *finished* part 4, hating it the whole way praying it would get better... and it never did. tried 5 and quit about two bosses into it. didn't have any faith in 6.

B - DOUBLE - OH - T - Y!

yeah like i think i might be able to beat up bruce lee right now

oh god.... battle network 4. I hate that game with the fire of a thousand suns.

um, did you just say in a roundabout way that rape is not widely accepted as a terrible thing? what country are you from?

it should really be zapdos chilling in a power plant

I completely agree with Reggie looking at launch lineups - MEH.

is no type change for him confirmed? source?

UPDATE: They caught him. Here's his mugshot.

it's currently at over 20k individual backers which is 20k preorders within three days of the idea of the game even existing. those are actual sales. if the game costs 900k to make, selling at $20 per game, it needs 45,001 sales before there is any profit at all. almost halfway to that number of sales already and the

I would actually really like a response to this, because that bioshock article confused the hell out of me.

my text sound was the power rangers' bracelet alert sound for a short time. that got old real fast.

Simpsons did it.

yes i get it and i know.... but still... don't tease me bro