things like this are why I hate kickstarter. I don't want to see awesome things I want unless they are actually happening.
things like this are why I hate kickstarter. I don't want to see awesome things I want unless they are actually happening.
younger gamers maybe. I blame the "trophies for everything" culture that we've set up in this increasingly stupid country.
10 months and 2 days to be exact. wii u released nov 18 2012 . price drop sept 20 2013.
gridiron thunder? more like shit-iron shitter
it's called "if they mated". coco ftw.
apparently pokemon showdown got hit with one of these yesterday too. i guess it's back up now
pay the damn check.
awesome everything i want (but not right now) is getting a price cut. now vita is a good price for when FFX HD comes out, and Wii U is a good price for smash bros. excellent.
reminds me of panzer dragoon...
i was scrolling through my RSS feed really fast and this headline caught my eye as "a game about raping and superheroes screwing each other"...............
mew had an event back in 3rd gen and as far as i know hasn't been available since.
ash's pikachu breaks the level cap. he's actually level 972 at the moment and counting.
shenanigans on that, since I've caught all 386, all 493, and all 649. not one bit of cheating.
if you have enough money to have this "problem", then fuck you.
eh, better than bababooey i guess.
heh.... The last game I pirated was Portal 1 after hearing enough times that it was such great fun and all that. I beat it in two short sittings, then proceeded to purchase it legally thee separate times on various platforms plus steam-gifting it twice.
I have NO problem spending money on a free-to-play game that I think is worth my money. I quit pirating games a LONG time ago, and when I think a dev deserves my cash, I give it to them.