
i think The Blur is also actually something that exists if i'm not mistaken... is there something called The Fast? let's do that.

at least it's not Tara Reid.

well see i had the opposite. i used to keep my ds on my desk at work and while actually being busy with work i would just press left and right on the dpad and then mash A during battles without paying attention. for 8 hours a day. for almost a month that i played through that. then when i'd get home i'd spend maybe an

not sure if this is actually correct. i think it saves way more often than that, but i never stopped a play session anywhere but a fire myself so i can't be 100% sure

i dunno i didn't have any trouble with FF3's boss. probably because i over leveled like i always do. i did have trouble actually making it through the entire game because it's awful.

i'm still waiting for pikachu to get the ability to aim for the horn and kill a rhydon

the term "base" stats, when actually mentioned in-game seems to always refer to EVs. all the stat-raising items always say your "base" stat rose, and the happiness berries say the same when they decrease it. there's no possible way it is base stats the way every pokemon player means base stats, because then we'd all

There is only one possible ending I want for this show, and really I don't think they can top this as a final outcome.

excelsior beam was kind of weak.... that should be melting squirtle's face

this may be the longest word, but the best word is still BEE - Double OH - TEE - WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

yes yes i know i know. i spent way too long messing with the physics of melee. i know every detail. it's all intentional and makes for better gameplay. can you imagine if you could push someone off the stage just by running at them? do fast characters need even more of an advantage in that game?

intentional LACK of collision detection between characters is a feature of smash bros games. -fixed

huge fan of rhythm games. huge fan of final fantasy.

I can't wait until hipsters decide breathing is no longer cool.

just wait about 5 years. every new "old school" game will be rendered graphics looking like this and DKC1

just wait about 5 years. every new "old school" game will be rendered graphics looking like this and DKC1

please rewrite the headline.

4 color squares and some white lines. can't get much simpler

Simple and beautiful.

ok well trophies... yeah. Boss battles on intense is.... ugh.