I had 99 of those things and Aeris never came back!
I had 99 of those things and Aeris never came back!
they only cure being knocked out not dead. fail.
FFXIII is the first game I ever got a perfect gamerscore in on 360 ever. XIII-2 is the second. Those are the only two ever, and I'm sure XIII-3 will be the third. I get why people might not like it, but I don't care I enjoyed every bit of it... except the treasure hunter (13-1) and slots (13-2) achievements. F those…
Minish cap was so easy I don't even remember it. I do remember it being lots of fun while it lasted, which was like 3 days at most. Vaati wasn't hard.
you won't use a moon stone, or anything that has been available in the last 5 generations. to make a pokemon evolve a new way that wasn't available before, something entirely new is always introduced. This is why you don't get Leafeon from a leaf stone.
yay now i get to explain the joke. the joke is i have a huge penis, so i don't know about tiny penis sadness. get it? hahas all around. hooray for jokes!
actually I don't know how that goes, thank you very much.
Gen3 is my favorite by far in terms of the world and also in the competitive battling strategies available, then it splits up.
Hm.. I guess I didn't actually read what you wrote at all now that I look again. meh.
Hey man, don't badmouth bad parenting. If it wasn't for horrible childhoods, we wouldn't have strippers and porn stars.
baba booey?
well all of the changes made it worse. I won't go into spoilery specifics since this guy hasn't played it.
call me an elitist/purist/douche, but I hated the DS version. The dialogue rewrites make things worse. So much worse in some cases, particularly just about anything that Magus & Azala say.
no. not until i read this comment. even after there was a slider mentioned in the article. it's not a bad feature though, just really easy to miss.
I just doesn't feel like a PC game to me, I know that's not even really a thing anymore but I want this on my xbox not PC.
meh. this discussion will always be useless. people are gonna do what they do. personally I was sold on this game from the first E3 trailer back when it was announced. Already pre-ordered. Don't care about a demo.
The last game I pirated was Portal 1. I have since purchased multiple copies, and pirating games just doesn't appeal to me at all anymore. If I don't think a game is worth my money, I don't think it's worth my time to play either.
you left out the best part. in almost every FF, once you beat the big bad boss, the world is now SAVED and everyone is ok and happy and stuff.
piling on to say magus was not a villain. i mean unless you never play past his castle, then you'd have to think that way i guess.
the cover would need to be super saiyan pikachu of course.