
title: "The most possible Fennekin evolution"

goes on too long, but the first 90 seconds are fun


True, though I don't think there's actually any benefit at all to having a low Brave so at least that one is not something you're likely to encounter by accident.

man thats some crap advice you got there.... well not that bad but it did leave out a few key things that help

we'll find out soon enough. if the rayquaza/darkrai-level legendary is Z-something, well there's your answer

that's because you're right. it IS ridiculous. still awesome though.

the point of all of those rules is to remove as much randomness from the gameplay as possible and leave only skill as the deciding factor.

Bartlet is way better than Obama.

I hate reading any news post about these cars that doesn't say "They are now readily available for sale to the public." I want one of these RIGHT NOW.

jetpack joyride has no social spam exclusive content whatsoever. it's also pretty much exactly the same thing you can get on whatever mobile device you have, but it's way better playing with a mouseclick instead of a touchscreen

xkcd is very good for what it is, but I wouldn't put it in the same league. not even close.

the update process feels like 5 gigs because of how much of a pain in the ass it is and the fact that if anything interrupts the download it starts from the beginning.... but once you have it, it's done. everyone knows about it by now. when i eventually do buy it i will be prepared to hook it up start the download and

^ this guy. that's exactly the idea. She has only seen a few episodes, read and loves the books and has been meaning to catch up for a while. This will set her up to be ready for season 3 as it airs.

i'm using a wired xbox controller too and the game only recognizes the analog stick. also the pause button maps to enter on the keyboard instead of start on the controller unless i change it manually.

zero polish at all. it doesn't feel like capcom did anything at all but say "sure kid, throw our logo in there" and then release the game. i've only played ryu's stage at all before work one day, then i realized the whole no save thing and haven't been back since.

This morning I wrapped season 1 of Game of Thrones for my stepmom along with a giftcard taped to the back with a note "FEB 19, WINTER IS COMING". I'm expecting that to go over pretty well.

because standardization of connector shit equals ease of use. so many things are a pain in the ass, why would you possibly not want one less minor annoyance if it's possible?


only when it's a blackberry. then I assume I should keep my words to a maximum of two syllables and speak slowly.