
MAA is actually pretty good. I just wish they'd ease up on the high CP characters.

I think most of the old PS1s ended up like that eventually. Mine wouldn't read unless it was at a 45 degree angle towards the disc cover with the cover on the left side AND the lid open with a spring on the button inside. any other position would not work.

it could have gone in a much different direction after the 28 second mark....

I'm here just so somebody can tell you to read the first two sentences.

well that would be $19,500. He's selling for less than half that so it's not really that crazy a price.

No you are wrong. In this case, practice not only develops your skills but also makes your in-game character perform better using the same inputs as when your character was brand new. This creates even an even larger divide between new players and veteran players than if the unlocks were simply cosmetic. It's a bad

I never cared about any of the Tomb Raider games for a minute other than boobies.

tentacruel, tropius, bibarel. win.

456 alone is of course acceptable, but I'm really a fan of 3. Hayden's bad acting was actually a plus for portraying how hopeless and lifeless Anakin felt. It gets unfairly lumped in with "the prequels" as being awful but it's really not.

super gameboy isn't really a console, it's actually the first widely available emulator

4-5-6-1-2-3 is also the wrong way to watch these movies. The correct and what should be widely accepted order for a new star wars viewer is 4-5-1-2-3-6.


I kinda feel bad saying this but it has happened to me every single time I've tried to get through a Kingdom Hearts game. I get anywhere from 4-7 hours in and then just... don't ever play it again. By the time I feel like it again I start up a brand new save file since it has been so long. Rinse repeat. I never get

Paging Dr. Heisenberg....

I hope this guy wins his lawsuit.

she's not?

You son of a bitch.

LAME. Was expecting it to actually be usable.

One thing that has bothered me is why was there any need for C3PO's memory to be wiped? I mean other than to make his behavior in IV-VI make sense. If you're a kid/been living in a cave for 40 years and are watching the series for the first time in numerical order (which is the WRONG way to do it, but that's another

I see alot of missing m's.