Kuma in a ducky inner tube please.
Kuma in a ducky inner tube please.
Really because while I did enjoy A1 quite a bit I ended up quitting A2 after about 15 hours due to being horribly bored. Crap story crap characters uninteresting class system.
Jesus dies but then comes back
If I read PA's post on it right, it doesn't actually just delete the save data, it crashes the game or system. That seems problematic even if it's a nonsense case. Seriously who uses USB saving on 360 now?
Seems like there should be some kind of "horrible dick jokes" shop contest now. It's the only thing to do.
Missing Disappoints:
Am I the only one that thinks this is like if Best Buy started selling gift cards to newegg?
to be fair, kefka's not exactly an incredibly original character. they obviously heavily pulled from the joker for that, if joker were also a powerful wizard. everything's a game and watching the world crumble to pieces is where all the fun is. however it was done amazingly well so no harm.
I think it would be kinda cool if Sony got angry at the use of all-stars and then it was changed again to Blizzard: Scrolls, and then finally settle on Blizzard Smash Bros
No love for the Celes suicide attempt scene? That is still the best scene in gaming history IMO. I saved Cid once to get that crappy thank you. Never again.
I'm actually in the process of playing it again (2nd time ever, first time was forever ago) and no you cannot skip cutscenes. I actually forgot all about this part and just passed it in my playthrough. Yes it's a horrible annoying and terrible sounding laugh, but it makes sense in the scene. It's a bad scene, but…
Fair enough. It's just that in my experience it's not the minority it's actually 100% of what I've seen. I'm sure they're out there (normal humans in south america playing online games), but I just have not encountered a single one.
Obvious dick joking aside, this seems like a bad idea for diabetics....
yeah I don't really get it. Is it a countrywide thing in brazil to be a complete fucking idiot while playing a game? is that like government enforced? I have yet to encounter anyone from anywhere in south america while online gaming that has any sense of being a normal human. it's just a mess of caps and spam. They…
WHAT? NO. Can't tell if serious.....
easy, medium, hard, expert.... guitar, bass, drums, vocals PLUS pro drums, harmonies, keys, and pro keys where applicable. that's up to 32 different charts per song. yes someone needs to create those. it is someone's job. quite a few people actually. 2 dollars seems much less expensive with that look.
how to "instantly" freeze a beer....
"Gun accident"? Nope. He pissed off his brother Chuck.
kinda skips a few of games to make it look like a trend.... i'd like to see this again adding the missing games. how does it look then?