if you look at this like magic eye you see smithers in 3d
if you look at this like magic eye you see smithers in 3d
I cant find the post now but someone posted on the gamefaqs boards for XIII-2 that ultros is commando and thpyon is a synergist.
Cease creating sound. Acquire my currency.
thanks. at my current rate of paying double my minimum payments (which is what i can afford right now), I will have them all paid off within five years. I hope to be able to increase that to 2.5x or 3x the minimums at some point to speed the process along more.
this year I decided to start finally aggressively paying my student loans which are ridiculously high right now. Since jan 1 i have been working 50-55 hours (six days) every single week without fail for the overtime money, which all goes towards my loans. After a small adjustment period it has become routine and I…
I really don't think it's EA's fault. They were able to gain access to my paypal account by setting an alternate email address and used it to purchase MSP. I think the problem lies on Microsoft's end or even possibly paypal's end. I think the fact that it is FIFA being used is not relevant.
This hack happened to me recently. I do not own nor have I ever even played any FIFA game on 360. This "security" upgrade won't help the root cause at all. Would be nice if they could figure out what the root cause actually is.
everyone complaining this isn't the RPG probably never played the ren & stimpy games on genesis. excellent fun 2 player platformers. this looks a lot like those. can't wait.
that voice you never want to hear tell you to get more gas.
cant tell if.....
oh my god so unbelievably hard to control and do cool portal things..... can't wait to see what someone better than me does with this though
Normally I expect something about sucking on a meat straw from fleshbot......
Nothing can ever top this ever. Pants were shit.
Admit it Lisa, you've let someone enter the code on that shirt just for a lol.
remove everything that keeps the competitive community paying attention to the game, leave only casual stuff. ridiculous.
This would make sense if the tracks were even a penny more expensive. They're the same price. Analogy failed.
This made me use Harden.
I fail to see the problem here.....