umm ya everyone kinda can see this is fake. But whats shocking is that your dumb ass ran with it.
umm ya everyone kinda can see this is fake. But whats shocking is that your dumb ass ran with it.
“Journalistic integrity” involves things like basic research and fact-checking prior to publication - not immediately falling for obvious hoaxes and running with them just because they fit one’s agenda, and then issuing a correction with a lame excuse because multiple commenters pointed out that you fell for an…
“Updated Monday, Aug. 13, 8:43 p.m. EDT: (...[lame attempt at face-saving]...) the claim that he posed in a photograph with someone openly sporting Nazi tattoos has been debunked.”
Thanks for the fake news you fucking ass hats.
Could not agree more.
Honestly? The one on the left looks more like someone de-grossified Casey Affleck.
I actually created an account to comments on this story because I feel like the coverage on this issue shows that most people have very little understanding of how asylum actually works. I work with asylum cases in a country that is internationally known for its generous asylum rules. I’m a specialist in Afghanistan,…
Replying to my own comment, since TheGCU deleted my last one:
There’s a whole lot of room between “no animal should ever be put down ever for any reason” and “dogs should be slaughtered wholesale because there are too many of them and it pisses me off that some of them live in apartments.”
Considering that millions of healthy dogs and cats are euthanized in the U.S. every year, I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that “no one wants to correct the mistake.” Lowering the population of dogs and cats is a major initiative of just about every shelter and pet rescue out there — they’d just prefer to do…
1) If you don’t own a house, you shouldn’t own a dog.
The relatively low wholesale cost of the soda to the restaurant is precisely why it is a problem, not why it doesn’t matter. It’s a high margin product in a low margin environment. That’s why they want you to buy the combo. Many fast food restaurants heavily rely on soda sales, especially in the value menu era.
the joint I work at has smaller complimentary water cups and we’re specifically told by the owner that if someone gets soda with the water cup to tell them they have to pay for it and then leave and not come back
How about next time, state openly you want the soda water and see if there is a charge. If you have to pay for it, then going forward, every time you ask for a water cup for free and get soda water, you’ll know that technically you’re stealing.
Okay, I understand now. Thank you for being cool! It's easy to go off half cocked but, I didn't want to react emotionally first but, rather have someone dumb it down for me. Thanks again!
As suspected, this is a bad headline from people looking to inflame, or in the alternative, from people who don’t know what they’re talking about.
My legal opinion and spidey senses combine to tell me that one or multiple journalists here is/are misunderstanding or misrepresenting the filings.
This. Lots of readers here who seem to think that suing automatically means for money.
As is almost always the case, jezebel does not tell the whole story. Per The Guardian: