Blank Frank

As a journalist who has covered hundreds of press conferences and was once nearly forcibly removed from a Rand Paul press conference for asking too many questions about his support for tobacco subsidies, what you’re arguing here is absolute bullshit. Journalists don’t hold up signs with the topics they’re asking

Agreed completely. Shaming people when they fuck up is important, but then also shaming them when they do right? All we’re teaching people with stuff like this is that you might as well never apologize. Better to just ignore it and wait for the next person to make a mistake.

No one has ever hide an addiction from a spouse before. And he couldn’t have possibly had faith in his wife and thought she had overcome her demons.

It’s never enough.

Good grief. I had to take a second look at who replied to you.. This piece was weighted on the side of “But, yeah, Scarjo. You’re still a loser.” Your comments reflect my own reaction. Sounds like the Kitchen is too hot for this writer:/

If you send unsolicited genitalia pictures to someone than I see nothing wrong with them sharing that picture and mocking the poor composition/lighting/cropping/etc. Don’t fucking send pictures of your genitalia to anyone without express permission.

WOW! Trump hasn’t yet totally unraveled the steady trend of economic growth that consistently rose during the Obama era. Um, congrats I guess?

Not the point. Point would be that actively threatening legislators can go real bad, real quick.

Apparently the dude tried to clap back on The Hill for how they reported on this with a tweet about how the “black guy” was someone who died in Afghanistan while he was serving. What I loved about this, besides the umbrage folks take being called out for alignment with bigotry rather than NOT being aligned with bigotry

Thank you fot the’s so hard to keep up with all this shit. 

so. thirsty.

I hope they do justice by devoting half of the series focusing on Donald Trump demanding their execution then doubling down (per usual) after they were aquitted.

“We know where you live”

Yeah, that MLK comparison - wtf.

Even though the bookstore owner is probably a POS, I think that when the business owner asks you to leave (or else) that’s your signal to leave the building or be prepared for the situation to escalate when the cops get there.

Maybe it would help to pray about it.

Both of them are trying so hard to projectsexy” that it just comes across as silly.

I may have replied to the wrong person. I’m running on fumes right now. 

So much of your analysis of her bankability is wrong but I’ve given up trying to get through to people. So let’s put it this way, movie making is a business. These particular business people looked up the analytics and figured that the financial risk in casting Scarlet is manageable and that the risk in casting an

Seems like you’ve got two different stories going here.