
Why not both? If you ignore the pings and it detects a person in the car, it will run the AC unless you manually override.

Unless the place is in the process of closing, just sit in the car and finish your call or whatever you have to do on the phone. It’s not that hard.

LOL.That’s a lot of optimism that there will be any other mentions of Black History Month after this though.

KEYNOTE: Steve Harvey Gives a Speech on Feminism

Kick ass idea. Kick ass kid.

Well, thats the time that his Make America Great Againslogan refers to.

Dear TBS: Please expand Full Frontal to 4 or 5 days a week. I don’t know how I will be able to get thru the next 4 (I hope) years otherwise.

My funeral is on Saturday

- Their Hair: When can you touch it?

Wow. Talk about a blast from the past. He decided to take us back... to the antebellum period. Big surprise there.

I watched this live and I was like, “FuuuuCK!!!!”

The people over at Full Frontal were kind enough to leak the White House’s entire itinerary for the month:

“And Uncle Ben. Terrific guy, with some of the best rice you’ve ever had, tremendous rice. Shame what happened to him. We’re going to have to do something about Spiderman.”

Douglass’s new album drops on Tuesday.

Report this morning is Trump admin is “freezing” CNN out. No access to Conway, Spicy, Reince, etc.

The press’ backbone isn’t back yet but it’s a step up from the death kneel of the Dubbya administration.

Meh, it’s more that they’re following ratings. Before they got ratings by just reporting being a scrivener for whatever Trump said. Now, they’re practicing gonzo journalism by making the press a part of the story.

What about the bad people with bad intentions that are already in the country? Like, homegrown terrorists? Why won’t anybody answer that? JFC. Can we bring back Celebrity Death March and I get top billing with Spicy Facts and Paul Ryan?

The biggest takeaway here...

Good news everyone! POTUS just gave us the okay to call it a “Muslim Ban” if not something more accurate.