
It does not matter whether they are identifying with a christian or any other religious doctrines because medical institutions like this are accepting the money, and insurance of individuals of any faith, or no faith. Health care falls into the section of secularism, a health care clinic is obliged under law to

I am with you Erin! I am a Christian who loves Christmas very much. At no point in my entire 41 years of life have I ever felt that my freedom to celebrate Christmas has ever been infringed upon. Walk into any store. Any store, anywhere in America. There is so much Christmas it's insane! Even my 5 year old thinks

A comment on Jez is good, but please also take just a moment to also write or call your representatives. It's particularly important if you live in a state with Republican representatives, but I am doing it even in my state with all Dem representatives.

I think it's important to be as respectful of your child(ten)'s right to privacy and security as it is to be respectful of your own. That is, if you wouldn't post a naked picture of yourself, don't post one of your baby. Because she's not only *your* baby, she is also a future grown woman. My 9 year-old daughter

I don't think I've ever chimed in on this topic here before, despite the huge number of times it's come up and how willing I usually am to say things that are potentially inflammatory...

We knew this would happen in the House.

I'm going to start this, read away if you want.

I hate stories about teenage wunderkinds. They make me realize I've wasted my life.

Sound just like a comment a smug, self-righteous yankee elitist asshole right? See, stereotypes are fun!

Um. Yes. Yes I do expect better. I live in the south, I'm white, I would never say any f the shit she is spewing. Neither would any of my southern white friends/family. What does being white and from the south have to do with being a civilized person? Racism isn't ok, no matter where you live. So, yea, I do expect my

My mom called me last night to talk to me about the shoot. Unbeknownst to her, she played a small part in this travesty. She is a member of the Virginia Woolf Society, and a Vice staff member contacted her to ask some questions about how Woolf died. My mother gave the writer quite a lot of info, dispelled some of the

Of course this post is right, and I agree with the general point being made here. But my question is why should we engage with certified crazies like Odone? Her comments are almost bizarre in their stupidity, and everyone knows that she's making a fool of herself here. Nevermind the fact that what she preaches will

What charge would you prefer? I agree that this one feels dangerous in a slippery slope way, but also recognize that a person forcing a miscarriage against a woman's will is egregious and a special kind of abuse.