
I think this probably unconsciously has something to do with woman wanting to avoid conflict—both with other women, and with men. In a mediation type situation, you are supposed to only use 'I' statements, "I feel...hurt by your words earlier today" rather than "Your words early today were really shitty"...etc.

This is absolutely wonderful!

Are we sure this is supposed to be about "thin-shaming"? When she says 'why can't I be slim and proud?' Perhaps what she means, I constantly hear that I should be apologetic and not proud of my slim body because it is rude towards people who aren't slim, even though she has worked very hard to get that way. If you are

That's from Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy!

water wouldn't get rid of it. You can do a vinegar rinse. But generally with things like parasites, it's tough to get rid of. Heat or freezing are usually the only way to get rid of them.

I didn't watch the video, because I'm in a quiet place right now, so I was just assuming from other people's comments, as well as the content of the article that this was new material. However, I do know for fact what I said to be true, that they shot a couple episodes prior to Monteiths death, then they took off time

Super missing the point.

I never had anything to this level nearly, but my moms boyfriend since I was six, has a brother who is a registered sex offender (he was caught rubbing up against teenage girls in public...something of course I did not know until I was older), and literally the week I turned eighteen he called me up and invited me to

They had already shot two episodes of the season before Cory died. After his death, they took a little time off to re-work the rest of the season, and now they are going back to shooting. The previews are showing what they have already filmed.

Less that, more this:

EXACTLY. It's so nice and easy to point out "stereotypes" when A. you're making them up (vag shots are Latina?? Mother and daughter sleeping with the same guy is Latina??) and B. when you conveniently forget all the other characters who don't fit into your argument. As you pointed out- both Chang and Norma don't speak

Whew, if there's one thing I find awkward and weird, it's a female misogynist apologist. Did you not get the underlying things he was saying in his comment? Or maybe you actually don't care. Either way, I don't really care.

Not really, I just don't like misogynistic pieces of shit.

I find this comment incredibly strange. Because, as a woman, who has been around a lot more woman than you have been around in your life, who has more experience with being a woman, I can assure you that every woman experiences her period differently. Some women get cranky the week before their periods, some women

It's a silly name anyway. I read somewhere once that it was supposed to be a play on Occam's Razor. So your version's closer :)

I feel like fox is generally the worst against Asians, though they pretend not to be. A great example is Glee. The two Asian characters are unrelated, yet they are named Tina Chang and Mike Chang. Darren is half Asian, and yet they have him play full Caucasian , as shown in the brother episode.

I think he got a fair bit of play. He's the one who trains Ender at "Command School". The man who's been out in space forever. He's supposed to be an interesting, cranky, wizened sort of character. And he's a player in later Ender books as well. I have a feeling that this film is going to largely focus on that last

Well, the character with the tatoos is Mazer Rackham who is supposed to be a half caucasian, half maori man. I guess because Ben Kingsley is half Indian they thought that was close enough. But what's interesting is, in the book he does not have the face tatoos, he just had a beard. So those were added in for the