
Fair enough.

But then they only spent 16 hours deliberating.

Ugh. I wish I hadn't woken up this morning. This fucking post.

I didn't say she doesn't do anything or doesn't do any work. I said she didn't have to work that hard to get where she got. She utilized her connections, and heck, who can blame her? and that's how she got where she is today. And now of course she works hard at her job. But my point was that to those who don't have

Yeah, because I'm a cranky bitch. haha. I dunno. No, you're probably right. It just seems like they didn't take it seriously. Three weeks isn't a huge disruption from people's lives to ask for them to take a break and concentrate on the task at hand. I dunno.

Yeah, bakers make shit for pay.

I got a little annoyed by it, because they spent 22 days (which is only about 3 weeks) going to multiple tourist sites, spas, movies, shopping, bowling, etc— and then they took only 16 hours to deliberate. They could've given a shit about any of this. I guess, I know they didn't sign up for any of this, but it still

No need to get snappy. I guess my point was that I think they should be focusing on the fact that the Martin family's son has died, and thinking about the case. They spent those 22 days going on day trips, trying to relax and have fun, due to the stress of the case, and then they took only 16 hours to deliberate. And

I've never had enough money in my life to get a facial, mani, or pedi, as I'm sure many other American's have not. And yet taxes are going to subsidize the cost of the chaperoning and whatnot so the ladies could get their spa day on? That's just obnoxious.

Word, I have many friends who went to Harvard who were decidedly not rich, but got there on scholarship. The idea that they will then get tips from a person who coasted through life on connections to get to where she is seems a little silly.

Williams is from New Canaan, Connecticut (a.k.a extremely rich) and has just used her dad's connections to get her where she is... What is she going to tell them? When you graduate, if you have a lot of great family connections-use them! If you don't, schmooze, schmooze, schmooze! (That's the hollywood tip).

It's not a matter of "Girls is telling us how to live/it's an advice/role model show", it's a matter of Lena Dunham and crew thinking honestly that the show represents a relatable experience. Every rich girl I know who grew up in situations like these actresses do find this show incredibly relatable. But to call the

I think that it is and it isn't. I think that they (Lena and friends?) aren't self aware enough to know that this isn't very normal, but when they get called out on it, they call it ironic, and that's how they get away with it.

Part of the plot of the show in the beginning was that they were trying to speak to the average twenty something who lives in Brooklyn- struggling with post-college/internships/jobs, etc. They just did a terrible job of it because they don't understand that most people on this earth are not rich-hence why right away

I apologize for my tone in my comment. I had just read a bunch of comments demanding that Zimmerman was the victim,etc, and pissed.

I seriously find the girls of Girls to be utterly unbearable. Rich kids of famous parents trying to act like they know anything about being an average twenty-something. I'm sorry, but if your parents are famous artists/musicians/news anchors/film directors/grandfather wrote Sound of Music & Anything Goes, then you

Isn't the name spelled Dzokhar?

Actually, he would be on trial for sexual assault. Perhaps you might also be on trial for the little slap you gave him, but you would argue self defense, since he had his hands holding onto your tit when you slapped him.