Blane Stroud

I had no idea Man in the High Castle was coming back already. Last I heard it was in limbo of sorts. Is there any buzz about it at all?

Gaston should crush on everyone. It would be hilarious. I don't care what his orientation is, but just having him indiscriminately hit on everything (e.g. Todd from Scrubs)

I'll admit, it's hard to swallow paying less for Netflix than Google Play Music.

For the record, if you have a Google Play Music subscription, this comes with it. I don't think it's being marketed as a stand-alone thing. It's more of an added perk for Play Music subscribers.

I will never be reduced to reading listicles.


I've been on reddit for years, and I once visited /b/ on 4chan. I feel prepared for anything.

They were clearly ahead of their time. One day, they're reemerge, magnificent in their coolness.

I remember Booker T. Don't remember him being King Booker. None of the others ring a bell. The Mexicools look hilarious though. I can't believe that was a thing.

I agree to disagree! Maybe. I'll have to go back and read what what they said.

It's all jumbling together. Not my fault.

I suppose. I mean, I've known people that stay homophobic despite being around lots of gay people. I work in education. There are tons of gay students and teachers and we have some people that seem to remain homophobic, despite having ample evidence that's it's not a bad thing. So it's not impossible to believe

I'm going to be honest, I'd forgotten what we were arguing about. Looking back, I thought your point was that you had to purposely value racism over dignity or something like that? You had a very lengthy thought process that went into being racist. So, I'm not quite sure where you're coming from now.

Ha, I think you're reading into it wrong. It's not impossible, and in many scenarios, it's not difficult to believe at all. Just something about show business though. In general, it doesn't pay to be a bigot.

I think there are plenty of people that are racist on purpose. =P

You're ascribing an awful lot of thought to something that could easily just be a random outburst. Obviously there are blatantly racist people, but I don't think many people put a lot of thought into what they say in heated/emotional situations.

Those may be before my time. Mid 90's when I started watching. I've never heard of any of these haha.

It is difficult to believe that someone could be hatefully racist when constantly surrounded by that many different kinds of people. Seems like it would make the job unbearable. And after like 30-ish years, hell, you'd think you'd just give up up on it, if you were racist when you started out. =P


Ha! That was before my time, but touche. That's pretty racist.