Blane Alexander Schwindt

Broward detected.

No, that cask is what they emptied the Taco Bell septic tank into.

How on earth am I supposed to carry ladies and gentlemen? I’m not a fucking bus.

Half-baked attempt at levity...

That drag racer is certainly a gluten for punishment.

Typical BMW owners; honks at you, aggressively follows you until you finally stop, all to tell you how much your motorbike/car sucks. 11/10 accuracy if it is a fake.

That was cool with the forward canopy roof. I still Saab at the thought of it not being real.

Lamborghini Miura concept of 2006

Local media reporter = all tape on a car is duct tape

I mean.

Every one owned by this jackass...

The cars are the hook. Musk is a drug dealer who is getting people hooked on his drug of choice - batteries. His end game is selling batteries, not cars. His cars are just a marketing ploy to build demand for batteries.

Whatever man. Having a bunch or really insanely nice and cool cars doesn’t mean you have a small dick. I’m sick of this shit. I drive a really awful car and my dick is small and bad.

Saleen S7

Saleen S7?

Okay, just hear me out for a second. This build is absolutely insane. Not just the final product, but the entire road leading up to it. Over the course of this 9 year build this car has been stanced, smashed, slammed, swapped, slathered in oil, scorched, and ultimately resurrected better than ever before. Read these

Those are not whitewalls. Do some reading about this car.

Dude did you even read the letter and Doug’s response before jumping to your own ill-conceived conclusion that anyone who poses this question really is just looking for an excuse to steal the car?