
For fun, here is the Second Amendment:

First of all, unless Jim Carrey names the person in the portrait, the MAGA crowd is just assuming. Second, if these people would stop preaching fake news and liberal agendas long enough to take a look at the man they voted into office, they might have a different tune about him and the Press Secretary. They are just

What is petty is the Tweet by the “President” acting like a child bragging because he got a second cookie and McCabe didn’t. McCabe should have been released long before now and doing it days before he would get a pension is also petty.

I would like to hear your evidence on how the white people were better/smarter then Obama. But Trump won, in my opinion, because of two things - too many people who would have voted for Bernie did not trust Hillary (either because of her or the propaganda against her) and too many racist organizations backed this

I’m sorry, but can someone tell me how many times we have seen articles like this during previous presidencies? I do not remember as many times that Obama or Bush II actually doing something this petty. I know, they did not use Twitter (which only elevates Trump’s douchiness) but still having a hard time trying to

He is not caring about safety of anyone. He cares about money. If it will increase his net worth, then he is all for it. Everything else is for show.

Wow. This news hit me almost as hard as Adam West or Leonard Nimoy passing. I love M*A*S*H, I love Star Trek. When I read the headline, those two immediately popped in my head.

First, let me say that I respect her right to express her opinion. It is something we in this nation should respect. Second, she is just an attention whore, like her idol, Pumpkin in chief. (Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult pumpkins, at least they contribute.) Third, I absolutely love your response to this person

My last paragraph was not meant as an attack but as a “I know we can but I’ll sarcastically ask the question” question. You seem to be an intelligent person, so I had no real doubts.

Let me say that I hate religion. I know they are trying to change to be more inclusive, but I hate it for its continued hypocrisy and discrimination. Our founding fathers did not found this nation on any religion, they founded it on the rule of man.

I am saying that our leaders are invoking a religion based on the teachings of a man who was about love and understanding while they enslave and kill and pillage other cultures for their gain. And yes, we have lost our way, when the men who founded this nation wanted freedom from those who sought to abuse the

Mike Pence is the epitome of the problem in this nation - rich white men think they know better about the lives of LGBTQ citizens and women. They have no right. The Christianity practiced by most of these people is the antithesis of the man on which the religion is based. Jesus Christ was about accepting and loving

“I think he meant …” was said many times. She is making a lot of assumptions about something that seems like a statement of narcissistic bravado from a man needing to be adulated.

Great article. I gleaned a lot of insights after the movie with it that helps me understand and enjoy it even more. It was a powerful and inspiring movie. The characters were intriguing, interesting, and at times intimidating. The messages to me were “We have made a paradise for ourselves, how can we help others?” It

I saw Black Panther Thursday and I loved it. I had to look up Winston Duke and realized he was the mob boss in the last season of Person of Interest. He was fantastic as M’Baku.

1701 Refit and 1701A are the best to me.

To those who survived and those who lost someone at the shooting in Florida, I offer my deepest condolences. To all the legislators and lawmakers who refuse to take any real action, I offer my disdain. Our nation is gun happy, and we use the 2nd Amendment to justify it. We have lobby groups that advocate ownership of

Newt, schools are not supposed to be warzones. The solution is not MORE GUNS. It is LESS GUNS. Education and healthcare and compassion rather than arming more people. I am terrified of guns, and in the Navy I had to shoot one for proficiency. I will never hold a gun again. The 2nd Amendment states: “A well regulated

While it is easy and appropriate to condemn Trump, his family, his administration and the GOP for their breadcrumb of an attempt, what do we think should be accomplished?

She says NOW she is not running, so of course he feels free to snipe at her. This man had had controversy almost every day in office so far. If Oprah does decide to run, I will vote for her. Oprah, please consider it.