
When Trump was elected, it opened the door to despicable men and women to take positions in government that affect us, even when their characters are such that they shill private citizen products, levy uninformed accusations, violate laws with no consequence, use social media to denigrate almost everyone, and have

Uh huh. Not surprising, but still a knife in the gut to freedom and democracy. If you voted for Trump, you are blind to a man who is little more than Kim Jong Un

Mr. Spenser,

I refuse to call him President. Yes, he was elected to the office, but his actions are less a leader and more a man wanting everything his way and whining when it isn’t. He inspires hatred toward People not Straight Caucasian as he calls for unity. Tweeting about the NFL is a distraction, because he knows that he is

These students were given a timetable on the quiz they could make up. They agreed to a day and time with the stipulation that they would come make it up. Since they did not, I had nothing to assess, so it was a 0. They were told this and still failed to show to take it.

I am a teacher intern, in my final semester before I receive my degree and certification. As a teacher intern, I work with a cooperating teacher and I teach 3 of the 5 classes he is assigned. In two of my classes, I have students that actively disrespect me and their fellow classmates.

I’m sorry, but what is your point with the offensive words?

Stephen’s profile pic changed, cool.

He is an embarrassment to the USMC, the US Military, and the USA. It’s 2017 and I cannot believe racism is STILL prevalent. Why should anyone hate based on skin color? It is a concept I have always found sickening.

Welcome to the world of repression and hetero-control. If we were able to get past that sexuality is not binary and accept that love is love, then maybe this guy could have accepted who he truly is.

Wow, attack me. That shows intelligence. Rather than look at context.

Can it be time for police to STOP carrying deadly weapons and carry tasers or something not-lethal? Give me a break now.

I did support them because of their right to protest. Once I read the article, i felt that racism in my family had me feeling even worse for how non-whites are treated in the country.

Wow, you are way too harsh. I have never had any conversation with you, and you have this reply. How do I know you try to keep discourse polite? I do not, and you just go off on me. Bite me.

I’m sorry, I trying to understand what you are trying to say. Are you disagreeing with me or agreeing with me? I cannot tell from your response.

Good people in Hawaii. They recognize bull shit when they see it.

An omission is still a lie. Let’s not mince words. Sessions was asked to name any dealings. By leaving it blank he says there were none. There were some, therefore the omission is the same as lying.

And who is really surprised by this? Honestly, this man will be in charge of NASA, and all those men, women and trans workers and scientists that do not identify as heterosexual are screwed. It is disgusting that people still feel this way, and their excuse is that it attacks Family Values. What are Family Values? Mom

Again, I believe their suppositions need to be readjusted.

I agree with you about not voting makes you complicit in the shit that the administration has done or does. I do not agree with your assessment of their critical thinking skills. They may not come to the same conclusion as you or I but that does not mean they cannot critically think. All it means is their suppositions