
I think the Flag Code prohibits wearing the flag as clothing. How is that respecting the flag? And at this point, the reason the players are kneeling seems to be to piss of Trump (all for pissing off that POS) but Colin to me had a reason I think is valid.

And what is this proving? Also, the Constitution needs to be capitalized if you are referring to it, just like the Bible. By not doing that is an insult to the memory of the history of the men and women who fought for your freedom. Also, while employers can tell you that they do not want you to kneel or protest or

First of all, how am I trolling? I never used anything incendiary. I questioned your assertions, and you claim to have answered them. I do not see the answers, and I reread ALL your posts. I have seen a lot of supposition, a lot of opinion, and even some insults, but no where did I see any real answers.

As a veteran I agree with you.

You know, to show respect for this country, try showing respect for those around you. Standing for the anthem, standing for the flag, does not automatically mean you show respect for this country, just like going to church once a week does not automatically make you a good Christian. Also, shame on you for talking

I am sorry, I just ran across this. Please clarify the following statements:

You are right. I cannot help myself. Neither can you. But, the pot calls the kettle black, as you need the last word as well,. Your hypocrisy is showing. So, go ahead and reply to this but know, that I will flag you for a third time for harassment. You think it is a game, but it really is not.

You are officially harassing me. I have asked you to leave me alone, and you are forcing your opinion on me. Leave me alone.

I noticed the links. I also asked you to stop bothering me. This is harassment now.

Uh huh. I had a feeling discourse with you was impossible as you are just interesting in telling me what i should believe. Everytime I have presented my views, I have never used absolutes. You on the other hand have. So, reason tells me you are closed-minded.

Another attack against someone without taking the time to ask anything. That does not sound like free exchange of knowledge.

You tried to force your views on me. There is a difference. And your assertion that you tried to help me is ridiculous.

As I mentioned, it should not be a privilege to be sheltered or fed. Healthcare should not be a privilege. They are needs, and needs should be rights. Yes, I do think that the government should ensure these needs are met, not just call them privileges. Driving is a privilege, eating and good health are needs.

Wow. Not once have you told me how it is disrespectful. You have told me it was. You have questioned my intelligence, you have even disparaged the men that have protested. This nation was built on the ideals that we are free to question our government, to change our government and to speak out against our government

It doesn’t help. You are adding to the pile of crap that continues to be called the internet. And, reread my posts and your posts. If your goal was to tell me what you want me to know, you have. Whether I want to listen, well, I am not. I do not agree with your idea of patriotism, where we have to salute flags and

Ok, I’ll start with you. I cannot believe you. You are so intent on disparaging me and tell me why you feel the need. It is the same with your responses. You complain about people protesting by kneeling and then tell me that it is disrespectful. You have yet to tell me conclusively WHY. Is it because you feel like it

How is it disrespectful? I do not think you answered how you felt it was disrespectful.

This perfectly illustrates the discontinuity between those in power and with money and with those who work to increase the wealth’s money and power.

Patriotism is the love or devotion to one’s country. To me, that means to the ideals and the people of the country. The National Anthem and the Flag are just symbols of the country, as is the Constitution. I feel that if we cannot respect the men, women and children of this nation, we cannot be patriots.

I do not understand what you are trying to say. Can you please be more specific on what you are conveying? I said it upsets me because some form of hatred exists in my family’s past, something I was not taught by my parents. I also said that I support those who protest during the National Anthem as it is their right.