

He meant to say vertically symmetrical, which means your pedantry is the most sought after type.

Sleeping with socks on is barbaric. Getting in bed with them on and then slipping them off after 10 minutes is probably on par with flipping the pillow over to the cold side.

By the way, C is the only letter in YMCA that is not symmetrical, which makes it the trickiest letter of the bunch. Makes you think.

It’s like Mad Libs for Mad Libs.

D.B. Pooper

I can tell you my hate for Trump will still be strong

I can see you

it me


I think going deeper into this story would be cool! Like the process of how he knew that was the first print advertisement, why it was so hard to find an issue, etc. I LOVE the stories behind stuff like this

You guys got Trump. We get the Switch. Fair trade?

Well, at least Some Company can put a Little Heart in Sonic these days.

This line is good as hell.

Strong tip #232: Doublefist.

I’d call it Pokemon Eclipse, because just think about it.

She was probably just trying to make TE.

Huh. Not the usual kind of hot water we see college athletes getting themselves into these days.

I’m not questioning the validity of the election or his right to serve. I’m arguing that he has no public mandate for his policies because the majority of voters voted against him. A slight, but significant difference.

Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.