
Having driven on I-70 in Missouri, I can confirm that 1956 was the last time major road work was done in the state.

When Goldfish crackers get molded scales they can call me. Maybe.

Billy really is doing God’s work. #MakeAmericaBrannigan

It started when someone (I can’t remember who, sorry) suggested to Nick Denton that he should have a site about video games, not just a site about tech (Gizmodo) and NYC media gossip (’s focus at the time).

These were private.....


These are all ‘shopped.

Futurama is my going-to-sleep show. I turn it on most nights before bed, watch between .25 and .75 of a show, and fall asleep. I’ve been doing this for about three years. It’s soothing and comforting and I skip Jurassic Bark every time.

[choked up]

I’ll just lift up my leg and wipe the rim off with my sock, then go about my business as if nothing happened.

Got the game last night and played for about 3 hours. A few things right off the bat (PS4 version), it’s super pretty, exploring/crafting is deep enough to be interesting but simple enough to not be a total chore. Getting the ship into orbit for the first time is a really satisfying feeling. My son and I flew to a few

Nope. And the guy looks like he developed a bad... terminal illness.

The Iliad don’t got shit on this post holy fuck

You talk about air travel. You talk about cargo shorts. But you fail to make the obvious connection:

You just described my relationship with Dave Grohl.

Third Eye Woke.

Third eye open, well done.

This is concerning. Moms should appear impartial to lunch choices, so she has done immeasurable damage to her mom rep. If she ever finds herself at a Subway and is asked what she wants to order, she should recuse herself.


Didn’t realize that my current shit worth is zero or in the negative, and that canned haggis, global thermonuclear war, and daylight saving time are all better ideas than “Ask a Lawyer.” Thanks for this moment of self-realization. Going up to the cabin for few weeks to fix this for you.