
These gifs are reason enough for the show to exist.

Ennui is to depression as angst is to anxiety. I associate both with being 19, which is how old I was when Lost in Translation came out. Consequently, I adore this movie.

Vegetarians asked for this. They're good. If you don’t want them, don’t eat them.

This exactly. I understood why people were upset after Trump’s appearance on the show, but I also kind of wondered what exactly they had expected. The host was Jimmy Fallon. He’s a goofball who is best known for being unable to keep a straight face. He is definitely not a journalist. I felt a little bad for him when

My thought exactly.

I kept my last name, for about the same reasons as you did (and also because my last name is better than my husband’s). My parents were unsurprised by this; my mom kept her name after marrying my dad, a lot of my friends’ moms growing up also kept their maiden names, and my parents - mom especially -think I’m way more

I get you. I’m not a minimalist by any stretch, and our house is I guess pretty normal-sized, but I really don’t understand the tendency so many people have to equate having the “right” stuff to having pride in oneself. I’m not even kidding - when I told my mom I didn’t care about having matching towel sets, it became

Iron?! I don’t even know what that is.

This happened after my wedding, too. I wasn’t exactly speedy with my half of the thank you notes, but I wrote out at least a few every day until they were done. My husband dragged his heels like crazy. In our case, it was my mother, not his, who berated me for not writing his half of the notes. “It’s traditionally the

I don’t even remember when my birthday is anymore. I mean, I know when it is, but it still sneaks up on me every year. I have been surprised more than once by my husband saying “Happy birthday!” while I was getting ready for work.

Oh god. Fucking Bania.


I wondered if that was the color! One of my friends recommended the color for me when I was getting married, because I wasn’t much of a makeup person and I didn’t want anything dramatic. She said, “This color looks great on everyone.” I think she’s right. Or at least, it looks good on you, too!


I would have LOVED this! Good idea. :)

It’s an awkward event where your future mother-in-law might buy you sexy lingerie and you’re not allowed to run away and hide.

I think a Ghostbusters/Brave Little Toaster crossover would be a smash hit.

I don't feel like they're going out of fashion; everyone I know who has gotten married has had a bachelor/bachelorette party of some sort. Most of them have been pretty low-key, though. Mine was a joint party with my husband and his friends, and we just had a regular party at someone's house... with the addition of

If the bride-to-be isn't really into drawing attention to herself or dancing and you want to avoid over-priced consumerism, maybe just throw a party at someone's apartment. That's basically what we did for mine: there was lots of wine and ingredients for cocktails, plates of cheese and finger foods to eat, some random

That's fantastic! If my sister ever gets engaged, I hope the same thing happens.