
“Han Solo and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”

It’s Solo: A Star Wars Story.

It’s not hard to envision this statement coming out of a Trump supporter’s mouth rationalizing why they voted for him despite the harassment accusations.

Regulation favors those lying, cheating businesses because they’re in bed with the politicians.

Yeah, let’s blame it on those pesky millenials! Let’s not blame it on a range of motorcycles where the lightest weighs as much as the Death Star, the cheapest is still fucking expensive, the most powerful couldn’t pull the dick off a chocolate mouse, the most sporty has the dynamic prowess of a bag of shot badgers and

That’s just if the character is in Star Fleet. If you’re a normal person living on Earth or something then most of society’s problems are supposedly trivial. Money’s not an issue, food scarcity is gone. I think they chose not to focus on that because it’s low conflict and therefore not good tv.

I hear socialists brag about the “Star Trek” society often. I’ve seen many Trek shows and films. The daily life of the low-level conscript is not one I would wish for. It actually looks quitw dull and uninspiring. Who cares if you can summon any kind of food from a replicator. You spend all of your waking hours

Mostly this sounds like “creative workers” will just be working 80 hours a week, for less money because we’re thankful we aren’t like the other 80% of workers who are unemployed and “rioting” for food— Less Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator, more Arnold Schwarzenegger in Running Man. “All they want is food for

“....the cottage industry of online provocateurs that sprang up Russia around the time the 2016 presidential campaign got underway.”

Relax. It’s not the end of the world.

I think we should all go to the Winchester and have a pint until this all blows over

there’s a gigantic difference between clinton’s presidency and trump.

clinton fucking around isnt the same thing as colluding with a foreign government to win a presidency.

Mike Pence probably won’t accidentally start a nuclear war with North Korea.

The first question that comes to mind is, do we really want President Mike Pence? I think not. Donald Trump is overall very ineffective due to his lack of political skill and his abrasiveness. Mike Pence would be far more skillful in moving the country in the wrong direction.

Pinball is the fucking best. My favorite ones are from that last Golden Age in the 90's before everything collapsed. It seems like even those games, no matter how thin the theme or poor the movie tie-in was, were different, interesting and great.

He can hear, see and speak?

Pinball is fuckin neat