
There’s a sleeveless guy who starts to intervene, but the woman with him tells him not to. At the end, when the women get up off the ground, he walks in between them as the woman warns “Get out of it. Get out of it, you’re gonna be involved!”

It is probably Russia. Not even joking. They’ve long exploited Cuba as a Western Hemisphere outpost to antagonize the US. Why would they want Cuba and the US to have good relations? Its Russia. Its Russia pushing North Korea towards war. Its Russia pushing Turkey away from Europe. Its Russia invading Ukraine. Its

If I were them, I wouldn’t either.

Doll-eyed, doll-haired wooden actor as captain of a Star Fleet ship?
Never happen.

I don’t know or care how much your situation and my situation compare. I do know that I pay taxes now, and I used to get a tax refund. Does it suck? Yeah, kinda. But now that my husband and I are both educated professionals, nothing is stopping us from up and deciding to be poor again. We could TOTALLY go back to low

Taxes being raised on income below $418K is not giving up everything you worked so hard (debatable) for.

I would suggest that, if you think you are “(moderately) rich”, you are probably not the focus of HamNo’s ire, nor the target of the tax increases progressives propose. Even if you are being modest and you are actually in the top tax bracket (>$418k), you are extraordinarily well off and are in no danger of being

*sigh* poor ana. Playing as Ana is frustrating, because it feels like she has to have tanks to hide behind in order to perform well. But with the meta having shifted from tank heavy metas to dive heavy metas, it’s really become a challenge to get results with her.


And that’s one of the reasons Ana is falling behind now - The ‘low skill ceiling but high reward’ Mercy works way better now thanks to her Ult (flying + constant self healing) than having Ana in your roster, since Ana requires a higher level of skill to land the shots and to perform well enough to change the tide of

>The proper way to think about it is, “How can the government remedy gross economic inequality by moving wealth from those who have too much to those who have too little?”

Once again, the left is expecting logical consistency and fairness from the right because we have no idea what we’re dealing with, we haven’t in decades. We’re operating on different levels of morality. We expect fairness in all things, including scandals like this, expecting them to admit to their sides failings on

Her win rate is skewed heavily because people tend to switch OFF of Symmetra after the first point is captured. Winrates are based on time played, so if you played 4 minutes on Hanamura defending point 1 and win, that’s four minutes of win for Symmetra. If you played 4 minutes on point one, lose that point, switch to

It’s funny to me that Symmetra get’s picked the least, because her winrate is one of the highest in the game at the moment, sitting at 60.8% across all ranks. I try to pick her whenever possible because she just brings so much to the team. Pretty decent counter to Mercy too 1v1, although Mercy isn’t meant to duel.

I wonder what Goldeneye on the N64 would have been like if it were released with loot boxes.