
But there’s an entire empire of media that will back up McConnell and Ryan. It won’t be significant in the long run.

A Republican House and Senate to admit formally that the head of their party did something egregious enough to be censured? Like they’re going to give more historical evidence of his incompetence. Trump would have to do something like deny business a tax cut and seize overseas money for Republicans to turn on him.

I’m going to guess they’re going to trot out Mitch McConnell to say that they won’t make a formal gesture to censure the president because something about how there are both sides to an issue and the president has to stay neutral even though Trump did nothing to present a logical or even factual argument and

I’d love to know who their rabbi is

That’s fine but that hole has a computer in it where he’ll just spew whatever he wants to willing readers.

For all the theories that Littlefinger is being played by Sansa and Arya, let’s also remember that this is the same show that Euron Greyjoy is 2 places at once and Dorne was introduced only to be snuffed out. They aren’t that clever.

Only on paper. It takes someone to arrest and charge you for it to be real.

I understand your argument: that we should use the same kind of emotional argument they use and put them for the same emotional loop they put liberals.

Because they’re too stupid to soak rags and put them around a stick?

Are him and Bannon related? They look like they could be cousins


Isn’t it funny how these ‘experience’ arguments always seem to benefit the incumbent? How many other states did the current governor govern before getting the job?

I believe the term for those people are ‘evangelists’.

That entire litany of esoteric pop culture knowledge is no different than Dan Brown making his main guy know all the Arameic make-believe, secret tomes, and something like 30 languages. Same story arc, different ways of saying it.

You know what else doesn’t need British accents? Dramas set in a past time not set in the UK. This might seem hard to believe but Russians under Romanov rule did not have British accents. I know! Impossible to believe.

So it’s time for an invasion, right? Like we didnt’ let Saddam get this far. Why are we pretending China gives a shit about this? Straight up invade and cede it to South Korea.

I swear to god if they have fake English accents like in that Hulu version of Anna Karenina..... 

Fuck man! Shit!

Kanopy is still in its infancy, born when Criterion decided Hulu wasn’t working out. The price modeling for Kanopy sounds reasonable but I imagine it works like Hoopla: every time someone checks something out it charges a dollar amount to the library. The library then has to set an imaginary budget number to guess how