
So then his character is doing what it’s supposed to do, isn’t it? It’s almost like this is television and he’s playing a host.

His template is Roger Stone

That was a masterclass in right-wing argument tactics.

Rights are a funny thing: you only have rights if the officer violating them believes you have them.

Funny how the same administration that’s talking reeeeaaalll tough about limiting immigration are the same ones scrambling to save seasonal migrant worker jobs.

That’s the idea that ICE is going after the bad guys, right? Because there’s a warrant out? But ICE doesn’t need a warrant to detain someone because of the rights given to them by the executive order. Literally anyone can be detained for any reason and thrown into a camp and denied legal representation and contact

That’s interesting seeing how proud China is to harbor the families of Korean civil war intelligentsia. Also that South Korea is a huge trade partner for them. Sounds like straight-up racism to me.

How dare you. The statue of Luis Guzman as used on a comedy program is a national treasure!

Hotter Take: the song “Hallelujah” is a hot garbage pile of emotional manipulation and the worst kind of pop music Christian pandering this side of Creed.

Just like Camo and wrap around sunglasses - as long as it looks good in the picture they post on their gun forum

Damned if you do, damned if you do?

Only in Donald Trump’s brain does trashing The White House make you look big. When in reality it just confirms to your friends your doing worse than they thought.


Nope. Do it nationally so the businesses that are in place now can finally get actual financial support from banks.

It could also be that he sees Sessions making things worse with his ancient War on Drugs talking points and has seen what happens when this is national policy.

Except that Democrats did the “We’re the Adults in the Room” song and dance during the formation and passing of the ACA and then lost their majority to Republicans who acted like petulant children.

Remember when Blue Dog Democrats switched over and then fucked over the majority held by Democrats under Obama and fucked up the ACA?

That’s exactly what Democrats need to do. It’s time to stop thinking the South, the West and the Midwest are Republican fortresses. Their support is dying every day. Democrats need to stop trying to be Republican-lite, band together, and get elected. Then they can bicker over who’s The Most Enlightened.

You might as well say “Hey remember unicorns?” because that’s how many more times that’s gonna happen again