
But yeah, does anyone in Monterrey listen to something current? Not even Hippy Yogi listening to IDM or something?

Why would you write Libertarian porn like that?

Thank god it’s the originals most of the time and not terrible foot stomp white singer slowed down movie trailer versions.

“Hey mom can we watch (critically agreed upon classic vintage film) tonight?”

Thank you for this

Can we talk about how Madeleine’s youngest is the manic pixie dream girl of 7-year olds? Because she is, to the point where she’s unbelievable.

Dream of the 90s!

Nintendo hype is equivalent to superhero movie hype: The Switch is Suicide Squad and no one wants to admit it.

So ICE is going to force local police to hold people?

I think that Marilyn Milian had a better shot

Yeah that’s a good point. It’s almost the same kind of thing when people who have never been in the military talk about joining the military. You can respect people and respect their work but don’t ignore the reality for a romantic notion about it. There’s no reason why we can’t have high school counselors, mentors

Mike Rowe is a Juliard graduate who would not be where he is if it was not for his very expensive college training. While it might not have included mugging for the camera while doing “dirty jobs”, the guy gets voice work and personally enriches from his advice about not going to college from people seeing him as a

It’s like when you were in school and they had you do group projects and one person wouldn’t do their part and you would ask the teacher “Hey teacher why do they gey to determine what my grade is?” and they’re like “Because! Teamwork or whatever.” and you’re like “UGGGGHHHH”

Good lord if that came to Xbox there would be less than 100 people left

She’s also great in Rev with Tom Hollander

I know people like this who ask for advice from a myriad of people, follow none of it, then do what they want anyway. It’s maddening.

Do you see the equivalent of the Labour party over here? I don’t. Do you see the US moving past a 2 party system that would divide power in a parliamentary fashion? I don’t.

Except that the main opposition to the bill from the Freedom Caucus is that nobody should be guaranteed healthcare whatsoever. That we should do away with any government-sponsored program and either privatize or eliminate Medicaid and Medicare and everybody should put money into a savings account (!) for future

Dave Chappelle doesn’t owe you a perfect take on every issue. He’s not going to be an expert on everything he talks about or addresses. He’s just going to say his piece, like every single stand-up comedian out there. Looking to stand-up for something more than that is naive folly.

“Freedom, dignity and wealth” (just not when you go through our airports)