Hot new trend for 2017-2020: women’s health trucks with cool graphic designs and Helvetica fonts with sandwich board menus.
Hot new trend for 2017-2020: women’s health trucks with cool graphic designs and Helvetica fonts with sandwich board menus.
Or they’re just shortcutting the “Where did you hear that?” question after bringing it up
Keep dreamin’ cheese and sausage soup
I’m tempted to write in with my business plan of making every day a fire sale because that’s the only way I think people can run a successful business.
Nah man. Garbage planet.
I really wish that apocalyptic bullshit would stop.
With contractors scrambling to build condos for Baby Boomers I’m not sure he’ll have any actual apartments left to manage.
A guy wrote in to my local paper saying tax cuts increase government revenue. No actual examples or math. Just that he just knows it does.
You mean you can’t Air Bnb 365 days a year?
Really? The 90s is pretty in right now.
When are we going to realize there’s no more ‘gotcha’ moment with the Right? Even after Watergate, the most gotcha of gotcha moments the guys behind it got back in the White House time and again.
Yeah let’s pit the wordy nerd against the bullshit artist who won’t admit they’re wrong. That’ll end satisfyingly.
And I should add: they’ll vote for them again even though Scott Walker has fucked Wisconsin’s higher education and commerce, Mike Pence has made Indiana into a hellscape and Bruce Rauner has yet to produce a budget, solve any crises, and lied about being a one-term governor.
I can’t wait for shirts with giant font to be out
Starred for Chance the Rapper.
How many times can someone pull the “it’s not as bad as you think” move before somebody just blatantly tells her she’s wrong?
It’s pretty close to him insinuating that the victim wanted it.
It’s called Bears Syndrome: where by the end of the season you’re happy to see anybody but Jay Cutler running the offense. Not to be confused with Seasonal Bear Confusion Disorder (Winter is Bears weather!)