
How many times does someone have to explain the difference between hired cosplaying models and models hired to stand in costume? If you’re going to say that everyone should cosplay, that’s fine. There’s a difference between making your own costume and getting paid for it and getting paid to wear a costume given to you

Thank God nobody can ever learn, grow or change their minds from age 18 til death.

After this last RNC it feels more like “Reagan who?” in the Party of Trump

The one who wore her own clothing line to an event thrown by a political party headlocked into cheering by her father and their wealthy friends..?

I wonder what she said in her confessional after the speech.


She pretty much said “I’m a Republican now because my dad is” at the beginning of her speech.

Or if he kept up with anything. It’s not a field you can just jump back into after being out for a long time

What? Shut up.

I’m dying on this hill, dammit!

That’s not how it works! That’s not how anything works! Me figuring out how to drive a car is not The Scientific Method! Someone knocking flint together to make a fire is not the Scientific Method. To simplfy the entirety of Science to just observable trial and error is not only dangerous it is negligent.

Because that’s straight-up revisionism to contextualize the past in the way we want to think about it, not the way it was actually thought about.

Again: revising all of History and saying every observable act of trial and error and critical thinking before the invention of the Scientific Method and the basic philosophical principles of Scientific methodology means that someone is not “doing” Science through simple trial and error. That’s the whole point of the

...which wasn’t developed until much later than major advances in agriculture, animal husbandry, and architecture. There’s a difference between trial and error and the correction of methods over time and The Scientific Method. You can’t revise all of history and call everything every person did The Scientific Method

What would have been funny is if it was stuff about his age.

Hating Hilary Clinton is the only thing keeping the party remotely together.

“And architecture. And engineering. And agriculture. And animal husbandry.”

Get a healthcare insurance policy and not have it pay out after almost 3 years?

Kansas City ballet is watching a headless chicken.

I think that currently what Liberals want is their own Rush Limbaugh/Alex Jones to be their Id in attacking the Right. Who would use “conservative” in the same way Right-wingers have made “liberal” a bad word. But instead of somebody who fires people up you get what amounts to Harry Shearer’s NPR show: unlistenable