
They're just always trying to top the spectacle of the year before, forgetting that people aren't tuning in to see the "fashion." Beautiful women in their underwear have always sold themselves...VS needs to quit overthinking this shit.

This article is confusing. It is not "Barry" the alleged rapist that is threatening to sue her, it is an actual Barry whose personal details are so similar to "Barry" that people think he is the rapist.

I liked the Al Sharpton (when Kenan said 'vidja' I died) but I agree this sketch was a better way to chime in on Eric Garner, Mike Brown and Akai Gurley. Franco could've been better, but hey, all of them are doing a better job than I would in their place.

It does sadden me that folks have such a bad blanket opinion of fraternities, because I truly do believe that mine is a force for good. We're a literary society, so we sponsor lots of arts and cultural events on campus, and give performance space to organizations that need it. We also hold consent awareness workshops

My thoughts exactly. Of course this sketch needed some polishing, but it didn't rely on a super obvious joke while making fun of a prominent civil rights activist.

Nope, I'm a member of a co-ed fraternity. We went co-ed over 40 years ago, you know, around the time a lot of campuses were going co-ed. It still surprised me that folks are unaware of co-ed Greeks literally decades after coeducation, because there are actually a lot of us. But unfortunately, most non-Greek people's

ugh I hate Colin Jost, he just has one of those faces that needs a punch. Like nothing personal, I just want to punch his face. And his timing is really off. When they got rid of Sicily I was really confused, like if you are going to get rid of one of them it should have been Jost! I like Michael Che but I doubt they

also loved the sketch where they are doing ghost hunting and she's supposed to be the skeptic, but she's more scared than anyone else. LOVE HER

Jost is really and truly awful. He seems nice enough, but his delivery is way off. I love Michael Che, though, and this week seemed to be the best one so far.

They both do these monologue standup bits where they present some social critique as a thesis underscored with absurd examples. They both have this amazing cadence to their delivery that sucks you in. Both seem to project this intentionally predatory affect - Rock with his angry, constant pacing on stage and Jones

I think this is her second installment of that weekend update role. Both were AMAZING. She has this great cadence to her delivery, and her points are so scathing in their social commentary. She reminds me of Chris Rock for some reason.

Vaginas are such assholes.

It's okay blamberr. If we move away and leave all the assholes here with that mentality all the easier to quarantine the ignorance.

Never underestimate the power of repetition. It doesn't matter how stupid or crazy the talking points are, say them enough and a stunning number of people will simply accept them as absolute fact. That's pretty much the entire foundation of Fox News.

How did you guess? So fucking frustrating.


Between this horrible shit, the fact that 60 percent of the population seems to think it doesn't exist, and the official declaration that killing of unarmed black men is completely fucking legal if the murderer is white...this country is FUBAR.

I know why they pulled the ad. Masturbating with a Playstation would void the warranty.

This was a bit from Seinfeld.

Touche, my friend. Have never in my life read "Go on an all-pussy diet to keep your woman from leaving you," though.