Stock M. Odel, from the Alexandria Odels.
Stock M. Odel, from the Alexandria Odels.
your friend nailed it.
I hate that Cyrus the Lesser is in my head enough that I had the same thought, but I guess she is 'cause I did! That was cute, goofy, and sexy when Britney did it.
Uhhhhh that individual is not 26 years old.
Bad females! BAD!
Not if you say supportive, nurturing things to it. Or play it Jackie Wilson.
Only if your mindset is toxic; remember it's mood slime.
Ok, that's a good point and you're making me rethink my stance.
Agree with all of that.
They shouldn't even be allowed to publish the results of a "study" this limited. I find it hard to believe that 33 percent of men are aspiring rapists and that semantics is the only thing holding them back. What the fuck kind of people did they approach with this survey if more than 10 percent of them couldn't even…
I thought you had an attitude about it, so I suppose we're even.
Except for that he was. How about googling it before proudly declaring you know something that I don't...because you do not.
CMM is the douchiest douche who ever douched.
Kat Dennings is almost 30. It's been quite awhile since she was passable as a teenager...this needs to stop.
Um. Does anyone else watch Blackish? The mother on that show literally suggested this exact thing on the Christmas episode and I've been talking about what a fucking amazing idea it is ever since. Could that possibly be a coincidence?! I'm honestly spazzing about this right now...