
I was absolutely prepared to be fucking outraged with this whole thing after a couple of paragraphs, but thankfully I read through and didn't make an ass of myself.

Never underestimate the power of repetition. It doesn't matter how stupid or crazy the talking points are, say them enough and a stunning number of people will simply accept them as absolute fact. That's pretty much the entire foundation of Fox News.

The saddest part is that I bet plenty of them are female.


Between this horrible shit, the fact that 60 percent of the population seems to think it doesn't exist, and the official declaration that killing of unarmed black men is completely fucking legal if the murderer is white...this country is FUBAR.

Not for nothing, but this picture is at least two years old. Fuck all this, and fuck Darren Wilson, but do some fucking research. Honestly...just read down a few tweets and someone else will have done it for you.

That was sexist? I thought it was stupid and sad, but not sexist...towards women at least. Maybe men should be mad that Sony thinks they're a bunch of mentally deficient hornballs.

IT'S A CARTOON BEAR! Now I know why my family immigrated here from Poland...ya know...besides prosperity and the chance for generations to come to have a better life...but mostly this bear shit.

Yes...yes it was. I really feel like Elaine should have been personally cited, rather than Cher from Clueless.

I seriously can't believe how badly I want to see this.

I don't think telling someone to kill herself qualifies as a death threat.

I've always said I'd never run on to a field at a sporting event because it's insane to engage in the kind of activity in which the best case scenario is just getting arrested. The same goes for this sort of thing. Sorry if I think it's ridiculous to fight the good fight for more diverse emoji, but the best case

THEY'RE FUCKING EMOJI. I may be an oblivious white cunt, but I know this country's issues with race are deep and festering just below a very unstable surface of superficiality and demonstrative platitudes....and are far more fucking important THAN FUCKING EMOJI. But yeah, psycho. Have at it.

Is this seriously something we're supposed to be concerned with? Aren't most emojis yellow? Maybe people should just try communicating with words instead of ethnically diverse CARTOONS.

loooooool. Let's just say...I feel you.


Janay Rice is not alone.

Gross. Just gross.

Am I the only one who doesn't give a fucking shit about the Jonas Brothers? Like...any of them...

Absolutely. That would be some edgy wedding bullshit.

This is just blatant and boring false advertising.