Well that's just disappointing.
Well that's just disappointing.
Wait. Is acid actually involved here?
I thought I'd feel the same way, but I didn't realize how few Beyonce songs I actually know. I love an appreciate her as an icon and overall force of nature, but it's been a very long time since she was regularly putting out music I listened to.
Speaking of!!! Minus Bey's ass, he really stole the show in the On the Run HBO special—I kept thinking 'Why's Beyonce keep showing up to ruin this Jay-Z concert'. Sometimes I forget he used to be cool AF. Although it drove me insane that they didn't sing...like a single complete song in three hours.
I believe they still love each other. I DON'T believe Jay-Z is in his early 40s...no fucking way.
Lol. And this is why I go home for holidays that aren't Christmas. OMG.
Lol. As someone from elsewhere that has been living the hateful "Redskins" nightmare in DC, I absolutely know where you're coming from. Well...if white folks say it's not racist...well then obviously it's NOT. It's equal parts stupid and frustrating.
This is a great choice...assuming it was between "i" and a Lil' Wayne anthem to knocking up jersey-chasing groupies and then denying paternity until a court-mandated test proves you are, IN FACT, the father...either of which would be better than Macklemore anything.
Same thing. I learned awhile ago that you can't reason with the unreasonable. My entire family isn't on uncle Bob's level, but there are far more than I would ever care to admit. I'm not sure how some of us seemed to escape that black hole of ignorance, but I'm continually grateful that we did. I love my hometown and…
uh yeah...he does...I just heard a salad dressing (or something like that!) jingle set to the music and he was signing it. He's still making money off that fantastic ode to asses.
As a white person, I get really bummed being lumped in with Fox News viewers, especially when their highest rated program has an audience of 2.7 million. But as a reasonable person, I understand that, despite the gross generalization, much of the black population probably feels under siege at times (some even all the…
lol. You and uncle Bob wouldn't get along. You and I, on the other hand, would be just fine. :)
Race war. Obv.
hahaha. Wow...I totally would too. I imagine most of us have version of uncle Bob in their family. #yesallunclebobs
Not to worry! There are plenty of old white people, particularly on Facebook, who have all the answers. One of them is my terrible uncle Bob, who also has a question: "What if there was a movie called DEAR BLACK PEOPLE?!?!? WHAT THEN?!?!" We've never discussed it, but I suspect he has similar concerns every February.
They're probably just filling cans with that pink ooze from Ghostbusters II.
I support this.
These are so much better than my question about the return of Surge, which was just: WHY, GOD, WHY?!?!?!?!?!
I find this less off-putting than people who sell used underwear online. For what it's worth...
Absolutely not. Nor would I want any other brothers to deny.