
I have often wondered if half the mommying that is 'round the clock proudly displayed on Facebook would even be happening if there wasn't a place to brag about it. I see once normal women constantly jockeying for some kind of made up pole position, not-so-subtly putting each other down while talking themselves up.

I'm probably going to get yelled at for being a woman-hating-woman here, but I just don't understand why every fucking aspect of pregnancy and motherhood has to be celebrated…in public…often sans-clothes. I realize I don't have kids and thus cannot possibly understand the glory that is being a parent and how my own

Haha. I hate the video even more than the song. She really captured office life with that ridiculously frilly outfit and stilettos!! Although the dirty, unwashed ponybun is petty common on Fridays after Thursday's happy hour drags on through last call. You can always tell when someone hasn't worked a fucking day in


I've watched him do so many things over the years that continue to haunt my dreams.

Okay. So where does that leave us with the late check-out?

Honestly, I love them all. For once I wasn't being sarcastic. I used to watch Bear Grylls' old show religiously, but this one is even better. I prefer shirtless stars to having to power through watching him sleep inside the carcass of a camel or drinking "water" squeezed from elephant poo.

I grew up in Western Pennsylvania, where for some reason a reasonable fear of animals was never instilled in me. Bugs, yes. Animals, no. Though my teenage years I made a habit of casually jumping fences at farms, with extremely apprehensive friends in tow. I was very lucky to avoid serious injury by an animal and/or

I'm surprised a guy like this just assumes the devil is a man. Seems like casting a woman as this particular fictional villain would suit his world view a little better. And isn't heaven really whatever paradise you want it to be? Weird that in his wildest imagination, eternal paradise is maintained by a bunch of

Homoerotic Celebrity Adventures with Bear Grylls.

Everyone is A LOT in love with Chris Pratt right now.

I love you. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

My fetishes are stunningly glorious teeth and uncomfortably tall men.

YES! I love this. I promise you...there is nothing more amazing than the look on a man's face when a woman freely uses the word cunt. At least the men I know...I guess I shouldn't speak for all of them.

Listen, lady. It's like when black people call themselves the n word. Years ago I introduced it into my regular vocabulary, having purposefully decided to take the power of the word back. It used to shock people I know, now nobody even bats an eye. So you can lecture all you want about misogyny and such, but if people

Well then, there's plenty of GIFs. Either way :)

Well, it's quite possible that I'm a complete idiot because I have no clue how to do that. I hate myself sometimes.

hahaha. ok. Sometimes I accidentally come across as a COMPLETE jagoff online, so I just wanted to make sure. ;)

Heidi Klum is a decade older than me and Elle Macpherson is a decade older than her...and they both look way better than I did even a decade ago. The world is cruel and unfair sometimes. :D

Lol. You know I wasn't shitting directly on you or anything. If not, now you do! I really like the idea of the piece, but I think overuse of GIFs ruin almost any quality writing. They distract from the content and you're better than that. :) Just use properly sized still images and finish with one really good GIF.