
If diseases were spread, the people deserve them.

He's a local legend and amazing as shit. I know some local do-gooders have (rightly) been trying to capture him to get him neutered for years now, it's never going to happen though. He's got mystical powers of evasion that are almost as impressive as his comically oversized (for a cat) balls.

There's a feral cat in my neighborhood that chases down teenagers on bikes. Let's not let a few bad apples spoil the bunch.

Yessssss. That little jagoff is my spirit animal.

Exactly...he's vile. I stopped reading the lyrics after the first wet dog.

awww. I want a raccoon.

Great. We've really enabled this guy.

GTL. Gym, Tan, Leave the kids in the car.

You're right...some things in this world are just too pure for that nonsense.

I'm sorry...but this is just so fucking stupid.

I was about to say the EXACT same thing. I'm glad I read this first so I didn't look like a complete dipshit.

From your lips to...NBC executive's ears.

lol. I'd absolutely lose it.

This may sound a little harsh, but if Adam Levine died, I wouldn't be sad.

The only thing sadder than you actually being that guy is you having no connection to him whatsoever.

How do you know he's underpaid?

What's with the class warfare? And I'm not taking it personally...I'm just home sick today and kind of bored. Sorry that you're taking my chatting with people VERY personally.

Yep. You can't wait too long after college to implement important rules like that. A job, at least a few hobbies that don't involve video games, and no more "casual" drug users. If you're in your late 20s and still doing drugs on the regular, it's no longer's a lifestyle.

Jillian Michaels is retiring to spend more time yelling at her family.

Lol. That tattoo sounds hilarious, and like it's ripped straight from the 'lifelong loser' handbook. Man...I miss those days...when tattoos and piercings were more important than someone having a job.