Everyone feels so bad for Steve Bartman, but they're all too eager to keep exploiting him. You want to do the guy a favor? Leave him alone.
Everyone feels so bad for Steve Bartman, but they're all too eager to keep exploiting him. You want to do the guy a favor? Leave him alone.
You're really playing it fast and loose with the term fun on this one ;)
Family is more important than what?
If you're angry about this letter, it's probably because you can't go five minutes without stuffing something into your face in public. It's just disgusting to be subjected to the table manners and stinky, crunchy food of strangers. Yes, she could have been less of a cunt about it. But for all of you that can't go a…
Hahaha. I don't even remember writing that...sorry...I was drunk. And apparently feeling very combative an sweary.
Your heart fucking breaks for the bunch of idiots that left blood and semen stains all over an upscale rental house? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Maybe these broke ass idiots should've vacationed in New Jersey—where they can afford something.
Makes me wish I wasn't such a fucking slob.
Uh...why didn't they just say they were busy? Seems like that would've been an easier way than settling this all in court.
Whoa. Amanda Bynes thinks Kobe Bryant is cute? Well...that makes one person on earth homegirl doesn't thing is ugly.
Oh really? No...don't sound shame-y at all. You sound like a real nice girl, thin sister.
I'm just kidding. You sound like a condescending jerk and I'm sure your sister hates you with almost every fiber of her being. Good job for you trying not to be a cunt to your sister, but your comment proves that you are no doubt…
My word that is graphic.
Wonder if Ben Smith will finally give the green light to the "When Will Amanda Bynes Die?" headline the celeb writers have probably been pitching for months. Time may be running out...
What kind of woman drags her boyfriend to see the Sex and the City movie? I suspect he isn't her boyfriend anymore...
Christ. This is why everyone hates Millennials. Of course this idiot has a book...probably because the only thing Millenials love doing more than reading about themselves is writing about themselves.
Yeah. The "Patriot Way" is letting fans trade in jerseys of the guy who may have murdered three people since they signed him to a $40 million contract last summer. Aww. How great are they to exchange those jerseys for free. Oh, wait? How come they signed a gang member to a contract like that in the first place.
It's fascinating to see how differently each of the big cats reacts to the boxes. The caracal cat and the mountain lions are cool ass customers. the jaguars...not so much.
Maybe we should all stop being so judgemental about manatees being overweight. Maybe we're the problem...and not Target.
Surely you'd have exactly the same feeling if it was your daughter in their crosshairs. Wait until they're 18, reunite and hit up a movie theater with a couple of AK47s. Start planning your defense of them now...