Sushi Go Party! is surprisingly fun. I have a copy, and it is played often. It is not difficult to learn on the run.
Sushi Go Party! is surprisingly fun. I have a copy, and it is played often. It is not difficult to learn on the run.
Sushi Go Party! is surprisingly fun. I have a copy, and it is played often. It is not difficult to learn on the run.
Sushi Go Party! is surprisingly fun. I have a copy, and it is played often. It is not difficult to learn on the run.
You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.
That’s my Representative! I think he would have made a decent NYAG, but I am glad he is still in the House.
Chris Matthews would interrupt any fart with his own fart.
One of my neighbors already has a Christmas display up that can be seen from low earth orbit. Did I get the authorities involved? No. I just call that guy an ashhole and move on. Would I revise that statement if I found out his wife was 8 months pregnant (I know she isn’t)? 100%
She is the hero we need right now.
I have witnessed it. Saint Patrick’s Day, 2010, Yale Green. It was going on in the porta potty right next to where I was puking.
I have ridden the Fung Wah. It is not for the feint of heart.
Dallas is the kind of place that roots for Goliath over David.
Two Fisted Marios is maybe sixty feet north of 16th on Market.
I would love to be wrong on this, but toddlers do worse and worse stuff if you deny them attention. Sure, it may provoke him into confessing to collusion just so the press corps turns back around, but he could also start a war with Iran. This is Cadet Bone Spurs we are talking about. Nothing is too outrageous.
I misread the last bit about Orlando Bloom as, “Bloom got a bonobo, but he is just fine!" and was saddened when I realized my error.
I used to live in Rhode Island, and I mostly heard it called The Dunk.
Growing old is mandatory.