
Our soldiers and Marines dont rough each other up? More like it is not on TV for you to see. Almost every week I see two or more going at it. Sometimes its “training”, sometimes its someone getting stacked, and sometimes there is real beef. It is not condoned, but the door usually gets shut. Out of sight, out of mind,

It is for the aircraft’s Emergency Power Unit.

I am not sure I agree with your analysis in a couple areas.

What you are saying is absolutely correct. It is definitely an S-92 airframe. They are built and flown with an experimental type cert with an N-. It cannot be registered under an S-92 because of the differences. Church it up however you want. A VC-25 is not a 747. An S-80E has 95%+ parts commonality with an MH-53E, so

Incorrect. The official name of the new Presidential helo is the VH-92A. The H- is a military designation bestowed upon the aircraft by the government. All depends on who is paying for it to be built. See H-60 and S-70. So, whilst you are busy calling the CH-148 an S-92, noone else is, especially because they are

FMTV’s generally have Caterpillar on-highway engines, so any CAT dealer can fix that, an Allison transmission is fairly easy to get serviced, and the suspension is all COTS as well. Generally any heavy-duty truck shop SHOULD be able to fix just about anything. Tires on the other hand will cost a small fortune...

One of the early issues with the F-22 was the pilots had to learn its capabilities. When flying it like an F-15 it was marginally superior, when flying like the BAMF it became it waxes poetic with the remains of other fighters. I wonder what would happen when the colostomy bag called an F-35 gets figured out, will it

Not even Chesty XIV? He is a Corporal now....

Sikorsky admitted the materials technology limits scalability. The blades flexing too much would cause rotor to rotor contact, obviously.

So the Marines were going to buy the fight so active duty Marines could watch it in the BARRACKS. The house cable account for the barracks is commercial. So instead of the $89.9whatever it was, it would have cost the commands $1000s of dollars to let Marines watch the goddamn fight in the goddamn barracks. Good job

The Super Stallion is over 88 feet long, 24 feet high, and has a rotor diameter of about 72 feet. It can carry 38 troops inside, with a maximum takeoff weight of 42,000 pounds.

99 feet and 1/2 inch long. If you dont thing the largest helicopter the US military owns/operates is not that big, I would never think that a HELICOPTER that can fit two of your Colorados inside isn't that huge. Nothing about 13,000 horsepower cant handle....

Did you miss Tyler's OV-10 article?

Big difference is the Navy v. Army. They have different engineers and different preferences. The original T700's came out.... same/same. Army wants something/Navy doesn't, vice versa, thus the 401C/D and the 701C/D difference. The thirsty part is not wholly accurate as the standard DOD engines they replaced, the T58,

The current MH-60S was considered as a direct replacement for the Yankee. It is not much bigger (dumb gearbox doesnt take up half the cabin), and was already being purchased by the Navy to replace the 46.

As a fellow jarhead flightliner, chopper is used all the f'ing time as a joke. Most of the heavy-medium lift guys they are airplanes, as thats what I can speak to.

The complete term is "overhead break" to help you google. In a nutshell, Maverick never left his wingman and they can only land one at a time, so they break the formation in a completely testosterone worthy fashion. Maverick goes 90° out from the tower (highspeed at extreme angles of bank of course), Iceman continues

HMX sent the shiny greens to HMHT-302, the shuffle began. Viola! Echoes in Afghanistan.

To specifically answer the question, a V-22 rotor wash is too severe for the lawn. The plopters in a hover are pretty crazy when it comes to a down wash because of the high disk loading.