I have heard the same story from the Sikorsky rep in PI at the time. He was certain they could have just flown it out of the river bed before the tide came in but an admiral said no. Tide comes in, fills it up with water, now it weighs twice as much
I have heard the same story from the Sikorsky rep in PI at the time. He was certain they could have just flown it out of the river bed before the tide came in but an admiral said no. Tide comes in, fills it up with water, now it weighs twice as much
Nothing in this post is accurate. I dont know where you got your info
What do you think is in the vest? Flares, a radio, bottled water, signalling mirror, shark repellent, knife to name a few. The life preserver is literally part of the vest. The flight helmet is ultra-buoyant. The boots are neutral and recommended to keep on in case of shark/coral. The key is survival, not a race.
4-5 is standard. 2 pilots, 2-3 crew chiefs. More if training and they run several crews through. Gun shoots and external lifts for example will bring several extras for the training, because of the limited sorties available.
The Marines on those aircraft (assuming all naval aircrewman) train for at-sea events and are by some standards required to be excellent swimmers.
Not mentioning the fact that you really cant win money doing that, just lose. Play all 3 (column/12s) get paid 2:1, the winnings pay for the losses on the other plays and break even. 0/00 lose 3 ways.
That is not exactly how the math shakes out. Let me explain. using 1st, 2nd, 3rd (row/12s are same). You have a 24/38 (ish) shot of hitting. The casino pays 2:1. You lost the other play (12 numbers) automatically. So you got paid 1:1 on the remaining 12/26.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner, please refrain from future posts as this contest is closed.
There was a play in a Nationals game that MW challenged that took so long it was almost not worth it even if it were overturned. Pitchers rhythm was so jacked up. and MW lost it anyway....
A Wasp-class LHD amphip is larger than most other countries fixed wing carriers. So Yes. Capital ships they are. Especially for a country that doesnt have anything close to that size.
I would agree Nats Park>Phone booth but 9:30>RFK now. Its a shame but RFK needs a little TLC.
One of things that is not really being addressed in all of these comments is rotor arc. If you land on the side of a mountain, the rotor disc contacting said mountain is more of a concern than having both skids/wheels on the ground. The current mountainside rescue is either hoist or very low hover. Pulling into a 2…
Wow. I was going to let you slide, but you had to be a snarky ass. Showing up “IN” the Corps is different than showing up “FOR” the Corps. A pair of NVG’s can show up in the Corps, a fucking 60 shows up for the Corps. No one said the USS fucking Saipan showed up in the Corps because that would be just as stupid as…
So by “showed up in the corps”, you dont mean the helicopters are actually in the corps, because you were very clear on that.... cheers
One of the big cabin-size differences is the fact the Huey’s big dumb gearbox took up half the cabin space. Imagine having it open all the way across instead of the big dumb main transmission.
What Corps? As far as I know only HMX-1 has them, and nobody called them that.