
That is a completely misguided statement. There are about 10,000 moving parts in a turbofan engine. Each shaft has roller bearings (with moving parts), fuel control (with lots of moving parts and springs), De-ice, bleed air valves, stator vane actuators, stator vanes, alternators/generators (even moreso for FADEC),

So in this instance, when there isnt AA, a door gunner might be more effective. As the guy asked...

Depends on how you use them. Hueys with rocket pods and minis/50's are pretty capable against lightly/not armored vehicles. When you dont need a hellfire, now we are just talking about tactics.

Sikorsky has a Black Hawk with FBW currently testing, quickly testing. The CH-148 for the Canadians is FBW as well, and they are being delivered. X2 is FBW.

I dont think he got the reference

Most helicopter take-offs involve forward airspeed. This generates so-called translational lift, or the same type-ish lift that an airplane creates over the wing. The amount of torque required is exponentially increased to perform a near-vertical 500 ft (from the looks) straight up takeoff, especially considering at