raises hand. also the R5-D4 cameo. Glad it found a home.
raises hand. also the R5-D4 cameo. Glad it found a home.
Did anyone else notice that Space Raylan’s speeder was made from one of Anakin’s podracer engines?
Exactly - this was the most clueless part of this review.
They say it could be pangolins in captivity getting shit on by chickens or bats who had a form of the virus. It makes sense when you see those conditions of wet markets
That’s right, Randy had sex with a bat, but that’s not what created COVID-19. Oh no, what created COVID-19 had to do with Randy having sex with an animal that 2020 couldn’t even have predicted. I was more surprised at the random animal choice...
Just ask Phil Collins. He watched a guy let another guy drown in a lake, but instead of saving the guy’s life he wrote a song about it. That happened, right?
GOG has a version that runs on modern machines pretty well.
Exactly, it’s not what the story is, but how it’s told. The Last of Us tells it perfectly. Still haven’t brought myself to play it again. I get anticipatory sadness when I think about it.
I’m not going to give any spoilers, but most of the joy of Last of Us is in the small details that over time add up to huge emotional payoffs. The story outline isn’t what makes it special. The skeleton is almost the same as every other zombie survival game, but the way it’s fleshed out is extraordinary. And if…
loved Cheddar’s extra long intro
Although I’m a proponent of more queer relationships being represented in media I think it is equally important to see touching, affectionate, sweet, non-romantic/sexual male friendships depicted as well so I’m glad they went that route with Nate and Ray.
Yeah, it’s an ensemble by now and any omissions would be glaring. It would be like Firefly without Adam Baldwin.
He’s leading the protest to help his friend (his speaking out first made it easier for Pratt and the rest to do so). He’s risking his future career by doing this. I don’t see how he’s being anything but generous and truly heroic.
I’m all for Disney rehiring Gunn, but they should do it because all evidence says that he’s a better person now than he was when he made those tweets and no one would have a job if anyone who ever said something they regret got fired, NOT because his accusers are alt-wrong shitheads. Considering who’s currently in…
It was a great episode, but I gotta say that after watching it I was compelled to rewatch (for the 4th time) the episode with Scheer, Zooks, and the mystery dumpster...which was epic. Even knowing the answer to the mystery doesn’t change that.
Oh, of course that makes him a homophobe. There’s no other reason to be annoyed at your fans trying to pigeonhole your character’s sexuality than because you’re a homophobe. /sarcasm
I sometimes am, to be honest. But my main point was just that many women do not realize the nature of the men they trust. Many accounts of sexual assault testify that women are harmed by men that they trusted-all the time. You might indeed be lucky (and that’s great!), but Mom of Peanut’s experience more typical than…
It’s almost like the concept of cultural appropriation is silly to begin with...
Seeing a black woman hate on Bruno Mars while using a Japanese handle that means “I love you” should be a textbook example of the word irony.
“Most men think this is what sex is”?? That is ridiculous. Most men reading this are horrified.