
Every time a bad or meh superhero movie comes out someone yells “Superhero fatigue” and just forget that the good or at least watchable ones still make bank. GOTG 3 and Spider-verse both did great. But they were also good.

The AV Club is making cracks about something starting strong but ultimately turning into a pile of shit? Welp, that’s enough irony for today.

that strawberry scene totally smacked me back of the head with some emotions.

Jesus, are we going to get the same ‘you’re a misogynist if you don’t love Captain Marvel!’ shite again?

I guess I’m in the minority that thought this show was mediocre at best. I didn’t think anyone besides Jeevan was likeable. The music in the show was annoying (not the pop songs that played, but the show’s music backing emotional moments). The whole comic book thing was frustratingly lame (as was Miranda and Arthur’s

Weird that when she bought the house she was never shown the fuse box.

Clearly asking someone like J.K. Rowling nicely to re-consider her anti-trans stance and have compassion for people who are actively being murdered based on this harmful ideology isn’t working. Seems pretty reasonable to yell at her about it at this point.

It’s interesting you use Bryan Cranston as an example considering, you know... Walter White Jr.

But should we? I mean, in a world where everything is perfect and right, obviously....But the question is should we go out if we need a paraplegic actor for that role and find them? How many are actively the right sex, age, race, and have the abilities to fit the role?

This is where I feel like i’m clearly callous but

I agree about the tone of the “talent” on the Kinja AV staff. I do not come here for unbiased reporting, but this has pretty much turned into a soapbox and if you don’t agree you bad/shamed/cancelled. 

I think the better point is that movies are very, very expensive and the people putting the money up want people to go to them. Which means casting someone people know so they buy tickets. The option is making a very low budget movie with a quadriplegic actor no one has heard of, in order to hedge your bets, or

Nah, it’s a great idea. There’s a pandemic, he’s not touring, and the two have worked well together in the past. It’s not rocket problems.

You are trying to apply logic to people who don’t see logic.  These are people who tweet that Washington had 5 million votes but Washington only has 800,000 registered voters and then act confused when you point out the difference between Washington, the state, and Washington DC. 

My favorite/least favorite thing about this is all the morons on Twitter saying “What’s the rush? Let the process play out.” Like, a) there’s literally a pandemic, and the guy in the White House is actively spreading it, all the while his cabinet is chock full of “Acting Secretary”s. And also, you can play it out AND

It’sh only natural that Sean Connery would drag his archnemesis to the afterlife.

Oh well, not all rap is for everyone. I hears dudes arguing for their favorites like they argue about their favorite sports teams. It can get pretty fierce (East coast West coast, etc)

A reminder that it was Black folks (Black women, in particular) that helped Biden and Harris win in key states like MI, PA and (likely) GA.

Except Spike would tweet the wrong address, thereby getting an elderly couple nearly murdered.

Not all shows need giant story arcs that take forever to see payoff. 

Not every show need everything to be deeply connected from episode to episode. Not having greater ambitions isn’t a show problem. Your putting some sort of expectations on the show and that is not the shows fault.