
This show would be infinitely more watchable if it was just people slamming each other with breakaway items for an hour. No dialogue, just non-stop mayhem.

Here is a nice article, since you are obsessed over number

Agreed. This isnt how the freedom of speech and censorship work in this country. As much as i’d like to support the authors request it sets a bad precedent and would setup the companies involved for legal action. Even if the requests were successful it would still be available to stream from the site or they could

I mean, what is the solution when someone can’t pay their grocery bill because they have crushing medical bills? Or a gambling addiction? Or their CEO was an honest idiot and the company went belly-up? Bad things happen as a consequence of other bad things. There is absolutely no way to prevent that.

I absolutely don’t think people should be charged with crimes only for their thoughts. Though obviously we have long considered “thoughts” as a factor when deciding how serious a crime is. The outcome of negligent homicide and premeditated murder is the same, yes? It’s the thought that counts.

I meant to respond to this long comment in greater detail, but it’s now too far after the fact to take the time, so I apologize. I’ll say briefly that I have a friend who worked for FitzGibbon Media, a liberal public relations company that was shut down after it came out the the company’s founder and president had

Is it “not how it’s supposed to work,” though? Arresting a business man could very well mean his employees suffer. Murderers often have family-members who love them and grieve to lose them. Evil behavior is awful partly because it has numerous victims even beyond the most obvious. That’s why it needs to be stopped

“BUT when Twitter and Facebook and AV Club commenters get to decide what ‘justice’ is,”

Why its worth calling a press conference over:

I’m a relatively well-adjusted, decent person

I imagine that it’s mostly Polinsky trying to support Eggert. Baio is denying her claims and Polinsky is using his story to show what kind of person Baio is, or at least was back then, and bolster Eggert’s credibility. It’s not an accident that Eggert is standing next to him at the press conference and they’re using

I agree. There’s nothing offensive about tasing dead rats, really; it’s just dumb. I was more offended by the description of him earning millions of dollars by walking around his own home yelling at a selfie stick. The rat thing was like, “Yeah, that’s the kind of dumb shit this soulless moron would think is funny.”

I can’t really even go to psychopathic with it. It’s juvenile, it’s not high comedy- I get that we’re not talking about Moliere here- but it’s squarely in the category of hi-jinks. Inane, unfunny teenager hi-jinks, mildly gross hi-jinks, but hi-jinks none the same. So where’s the ‘Outrage!’? They discovered dead rats,

All it did was give me flashbacks to the Tom Green & Jackass Era. Which makes me wonder if Eminem is going to rap about tasering dead rats.

Yeah, clearly this is some insanely stupid, eye-rolling, probably psychopathic shit that would make me stand clear of anyone who did it, but I don’t think there are any laws against doing weird stuff to dead vermin. Or even live vermin. In the words of noted varmint-hunter Carl Spackler, “We can do that. We don’t even

Somebody help me out here. So what’s upsetting or offensive about this?

You may want to look up Aryan before trying to use it in a sentence.

“Meanwhile we have yet to have someone who isn’t white and male direct a Star Wars movie.”

And then every once in a while it becomes something more akin to The Walking Dead or Game Of Thrones in its obsession over the impending death of family patriarch Jack Pearson (Milo Ventimiglia). 

If you can’t decide, you know who that makes you...