
While I acknowledge that baseball, apple pie, and rich old men doing pretty much whatever heinous shit they can get away with— especially regarding the systematic abuse of women— are three longstanding traditions in American culture, the notion that this woman has become the spokesperson and patron saint of the #metoo

Because people didn’t agree, therefore it’s divisive.

Alright, so it must be really, really good, an A.A. Dowd B+ is like a A+ in an AP class....

my comment wasn’t approved because I pointed out the white feminism hypocrisy, and because av club has been promoting Lena for years. Sad time we live in. It makes a lot of sense now why Lena attacked Bernie and was such a big Hillary supporter.

“Coco Is Much Better Than So-So, So You Should Go-Go to See It!”- Gene Shalit.

Coco is a heartwarming, luminous tale of adventure, made with perfect Pixar craftsmanship, but it failed to completely blow my mind. C-”

I know, when i read the headline I was expecting an A+ .what the hell is the film supposed to have Kubrick come back from the dead and direct it or be entirely handdrawn by Chuck Jones or something

Who do you have to fuck to get an A- around here?

I don’t care how old it makes me sound. If I pay x monthly for internet service, 400 plus for a console, 60 plus for a game: 1. I won’t pay anything (monthly or yearly) to play online. and 2. it’s laughable to think about paying for something in-game (especially that affects balance). I am not totally unrealistic,

Don’t let the nostalgia get to you. The prequels looked bad, too. Not as bad as the plot or dialog or acting, but there was a whole lot of weightless bouncy animation and some shoddy blue/green screen work... Force Awakens and Rogue One look a zillion times better.

Now playing

You knuckleheads - there’s only one right answer to this question:

I hate abuses of power as much as the next little guy, but this wasn’t one. If Sadie comes out and says she didn’t approve of what happened, I’ll support her — but as it is, there is no indication this was the case. It does not sound like she was under coercion to do the kiss, she could have refused at any time, and

Holy cow, are we making an issue out of this? I saw the Beyond Stranger Things episode myself and Sadie was embarrassed, but not traumatized. If you get a job in Hollywood you eventually have to pretend to kiss people you don’t love in real life. It’s how acting works. Quit grasping at straws just because you’re

Evan Peters as Jim Jones high-fiving Evan Peters as Jesus is probably the hardest I’ve laughed at anything on TV this year.

Yeah. One in which Nazis would lose so hard that the boss Nazi would go so far as to shoot himself at the end. Wouldn’t that be something?

Hindsight is 20/20 and all, but all this shit with Nazis almost makes me wish that we had fought a war at some point to settle once and for all that it’s not okay to be a Nazi.

Is Spencer physically ugly? His soul certainly is. But he looks like a clean-cut poster-boy for the Young Republicans circa Reagan.

Agreed, and part of a killer year Audrey Plaza is having that almost seems unnoticed.

Criminally overlooked:’s a damn crime it wasn’t nominated for something!

U.S. football fans often don’t have a good sense of what CFL football is, and they’ll suggest a massive offensive tackle who’s holding out could go to the CFL. I remember some saying Tim Tebow should do a season or two in the CFL, while he was maybe the worst candidate for the league, being a fundamentally flawed