
I’m making perfect sense.  You’re just a fucktard who has a hard time with sentences.  Don’t bother replying because you’re not worth my time.

Well I guess it’s not satire and you’re the type of insufferable douchebag who gets upset when a straight, white man says “the sky is blue” because a straight, white man said it.  Take your bullshit somewhere else.  Does whining about something people enjoy get you off, you hipster dipshit?

While I get that the election is the most important thing happening right now, you’re being paid to write for a pop culture site -- can you at least get the episode title right?  Jesus.

Is this supposed to be satire?

Wow, way to miss the point. The show is examining the Star Wars universe, not trying to weave a tapestry of mysteries and plot lines like other shows have tried and failed to do. This episode also gives us a good look at the father-son relationship that’s been growing between Mando and Baby Yoda, and how that can

It’s picked back up here and there...kinda

Because otherwise they would have a better idea of what was going on amidst the initial chaos and therefore be better equipped to handle it. If they have no idea what’s going on, we get to see (ideally) who these characters are by how they respond to a crisis no one understands. Pretty basic writing practice -- put

A true-crime-adjacent podcast that cites sources and doesn’t sound scripted...reminds me of something *cough Last Podcast on the Left cough*

I know this opinion won’t be popular, but — objectively, how is wanting someone to feel guilty about the position they were born into different than wanting someone to feel bad about the position they were born into?

They might as well cancel Indiana Jones 5, because it’s not going to be better than this.

Candyman.  Know it’s a classic and it’s getting reboot/remake, but never saw it.  

Don’t help make “mask shamer” a thing.  If you’re in public without a mask, you deserve to be shamed because you’re actively putting others at risk.

This is...a profoundly useless review.  Thanks for telling us what happened, as if anyone reading didn’t already watch.

I’ve been drunk for 7 months and remember the pangolin coming up as a possible COVID origin, Williams ain’t got no excuse.

I reckon I’m echoing things already said but I’m too drunk and lazy to read through all the comments to find out, so:

“John Bolton is the Phil Collins of Henry Kissingers.”

Pffft.  We’re talking about Marvel movies, not The Simpsons.  C’mon people.


*Your affiliation is

COVID cases ARE going to further increase because of protests and it’s irresponsible to pretend they won’t. Idiotic Republicans opening things up too soon will also help the spread, but get real.