
William is correct when he says this isn’t a new story, but both you and @RespectablishC are super on point when y’all mention that it’s not about the plot, it’s about the characters, the writing, the acting (watch some of the behind the scenes stuff, readily available on YouTube).

Oh wow, you have a machine that plays OG Alone in the Dark!?!?  Hot damn, that is awesome.  A forgotten game to say the least.  There’s no way we have a single Resident Evil without Alone in the Dark.

In case it hasn’t been mentioned here yet — some pretty big heavy-hitters have removed advertising from Carlson’s show, including Disney (which means ABC/ESPN), T-Mobile and Papa John’s. Good start, of course, but from what I understand those ad dollars are to be shifted to other programs, so it’s not costing Fox

I’m curious as to how you feel about George and Kellyanne Conway...not disagreeing with your point at all, honestly curious.

This show fucking rules.

Is it really, actually necessary to point out that something in popular culture from before a large number of your readers were born doesn’t necessarily pass modern scrutiny? Like,’s that kind of shit that fuels the fires of right-wing idiots (not that I imagine a whole lot of them are visiting this

I’ll direct you to /r/gatekeeping.  Who are you to decide what people should be fans of?

I’m pro-choice, but I don’t know that promoting self-abortion is a great idea. Parks And Rec (unintentionally) made fun of this kind of thing in their special — abortion is a serious medical procedure and I just don’t think that offering people the chance to DIY it is a good thing.

It’s textbook sociopathy. People like this literally do not understand that others have things like feelings.

This article is a prank, right?  American Dad cannot have possibly been on for 15 years.  I’m still a young and energetic person (*knees creak*) who remembers when some pretty red-haired lady couldn’t put away the chocolates fast enough (*shoulders crack*)

I’ve been watching these clips a lot...hope we can have moments like these again someday.  I sort of doubt that anything will ever match the build-up/execution of Endgame though, even if we ever sit next to one another again.

On the topic of camera angles, etc, it was subtle and quick, but I thought the overhead shot of Lalo going down into the tunnel was definitely intended to be a callback to the iconic shot of Walter laughing like a madman in the crawlspace.

As I continue to not be able to stop thinking about that final scene...I was screaming at Saul to answer the phone the first time it rang. How many times has it happened this season (let alone this series) that he’s ignored a phone call only for it to turn to shit because he didn’t answer?

There was one moment when Saul was soaking his feet, Kim cuddled up into him, that I really felt, for just one second, that he truly understood what he had done to her and needed to confess it all in order to get her away.  He knew he had made his bed, but he had a chance to push her out of it.

Don’t forget about Lorne Malvo.  Aces.

I know I’m late to the discussion, so I’m sorry if this has already been pointed out, but did you notice that Gideon was shedding a tear as Ray said goodbye?

The best part was they weren’t even pretending to hide it was the same exact three shots three times in a row.  

I really don’t think Saul was marching out to the road as a sacrifice — he was ready to die before that. He knew exactly what he was doing (hence him telling Mike to “get that thing ready”) and what I figured Mike would have already thought of — take out the driver and use the truck to get home. Saul was acting as

Imagine a universe in which Nick Offerman was Shawn and Nick Offerman was also Kevin in Brooklyn Nine-Nine...

It’s interesting how the week’s two series finales (Arrow being the other) both come at the same message in so drastically different ways.