Well, because people believed her about destroying coal but not about creating decent jobs to replace coal jobs. Coal should be discouraged, but rural America has been getting the short end of the stick for a long time.
Well, because people believed her about destroying coal but not about creating decent jobs to replace coal jobs. Coal should be discouraged, but rural America has been getting the short end of the stick for a long time.
An aneurysm I think
Well, there is a difference in that the school gets a pile of cash that they can spend on scholarships for the less fortunate or buildings for the students in addition to coke and hookers, if you are just bribing the underlings the upper echelon isn't getting their vig so presumably they won't have as much money to…
I'm not sure how applicable it is, but I think they somehow got limited to a certain percentage of their profits having to be spent on care. I don't know how it is policed but in a cost plus payment system there is definitely motive to inflate costs in some situations.
I was all down on her and she didn’t respond very well in my opinion, but then I looked at her plan and I do actually think it is much better than the GND. She didn’t explain that very well and was kind of condescending, but she isn’t wrong, if you care about the issues her plan is much more solid and realistic.…
I don't know, that sounds like the opposite of disordered eating to me. Anorexia dramatically lowers health and life expectancy, whereas to my knowledge calorie restriction and to my understanding daily intermittent fasting are about the only things known to dramatically increase mammalian life expectancy. I guess…
Wouldn’t that pretty clearly give Trump another term? Range voting is the best fix IMO,but lacking a systematic fix Bernie running as an independent sounds like a terrible idea to me...
I think in most civilized countries the government pays, although employers pay taxes. I tend to be team UBI. Work, make money, don’t work, get less, but no one should be desperate (which is probably a risk even working at Family Dollar) and I don’t see a reason rich people should be paid more to spend time with their…
I think some people think all bass no treble is saying big girls > thin girls, but she is actually saying she has a big booty and no boobs.
Also Iran. He told the Shah to stop brutally torturing people, then when he got over thrown and our embassy people got taken hostage he only approved one secret attack to free them. They banged their helicopters into each other or some nonsense so that failed and he tried using diplomacy to free them. That took a…
I guess I am old but I don’t know how admirable only being horny for yourself is. God only knows it’s beyond hypocritical for me to come out against hanging around the house masturbating, but I never felt like a hero lol
Is he saying that instead of waving signs he could be throwing bricks at people? Seems kind of dickish but a threat is my interpretation.
Well, yeah, that’s a huge part, and people who have “real” slave harvested diamonds don't want their value to crash. I think De Beers even got a law passed where lab diamonds have to be marked.
Even if you don’t feel bad for the lemmings, I suspect that whoever lent them hundreds of billions of dollars is government guaranteed. Who’s the chump when they need a bailout? You and I, assuming you pay taxes in the US...
Eh, LOTS of people are very financially irresponsible, so if you loan them hundreds of billions of dollars you’d better not expect to see it again. If you are saying that we should do a better job financially educating people, that’s for sure, but a bank that can’t tell a good bet from a bad one is a bank that is…
Well, that book was written a long time ago. At about 500% inflation you should need about 1.50 to get a 1972 quarter chub.
Pity no one told Mao or Stalin that you can’t take other peoples privileges away...
Oh dear God, no habitations at all. If people are living there that is a whole different ballgame. Like abandoned mansions with windows broken out or decaying cabins out in the woods are still indefensible but that's what I am talking about. I thought the tiger was in an abandoned house, they say vacant. Like…
Eh, well, not that it’s a good defense, but sneaking around exploring places and getting high are both high ranking activities for bored young people(er, past me anyway). Getting high in ridiculous places gives you a story to tell your friends, although it’s not usually nearly as good a story as this kid got!
Hmm. If prosecutors are refusing to enforce the law, it’s no wonder people are increasingly ignoring it. I’m surprised it’s only 4% actually... I do sympathize with poor people in New York and don’t mind them riding the subway, but I would rather they get free cards or just make the whole subway free or something than…