
Worth pointing out that building cheap minimalist housing is actively illegal in most places. Many places demand parking spaces and space and amenities as a way of intentionally excluding poor people, who tend to consume more in services than they pay in tax, and mill around annoying rich people (by not being WASPs


Yeah, grizzlies and polar bears are dangerous bears. Black bears (like we have in PA where I live) will mess up your bird feeder or garbage but unless you threaten their cubs or pick a fight with them will avoid conflict.  The only injury I can recall is some lady whose dog picked a fight and then ran and hid behind

WTF is “Belief in a moral duty to protect those who provide abortion services.”?  Isn't that literally the job of the FBI?  Are they calling themselves extremists, or are they saying they think protecting Americans is immoral...

Uh, he didn’t, we did I think. We pumped it full of so much tear gas the tear gas hit a spark and ignited, and shot the people trying to flee iirc. The conversation Koresh had with the negotiators trying to get the helicopters to stop shooting at them was particularly darkly funny in my recollection. The government

I would not be surprised if that was just the one bill, it might be the biggest but I doubt it's the only one.

I think doing anything near NYC is arduous, I remember looking at a study of why building there cost so much and the average project had like 5x as many people and took twice as long as a similar project in Europe(IIRC). The workers were like 1/10 as efficient as Spaniards or Italians, basically. I presume the worker

But not old enough for hitchhiking, so like 55? Pretty sure 70 year olds remember when Americans mostly trusted each other... Plus the depression and the war, people forget the ration was like a gallon of gas a week, people in the greatest generation had to help each other and work together.

I’m certainly not a bear expert, but I’m also not seeing any convincing evidence that he is right, either. I AM a reactionary contrarian, I have a gift for seeing both sides of an issue, and disagreeing with both of them. My cursory googling showed bears to be both fairly intelligent and social animals, so if they are

Yeah, I was going for the Kevin Smith talks to colleges bear reference, but it was kind of a stretch.  Don't know if it landed...

While I find the kids story highly unlikely, and three year olds generally not credible at all, the expert running their mouth about anthropomorphism still manages to annoy me. Like there is a 99% chance he is right, but his ability to peer into the heart of an almost certainly imaginary bear and find no pity or

I think even a bunch of the essential employees aren’t getting paid so are kind of slaves almost, although they will theoretically get paid eventually, and the non-essential employees generally end up getting paid eventually for the work they didn’t even do, so it’s just about as stupid and wasteful and annoying as

I think the family doesn’t think she is in a pvs, they say she can move a little and likes music and can make faces and respond when she recognizes family. IMO there should be some way to tell if people have an adequate quality of life, like I’m fine with taxpayers paying to keep severly brain damaged people alive as

“What if one of the people who was assaulted by R. Kelly becomes an offender?” she asked. “We gonna crucify them too?”

Well, it might be because she kept publicly accusing Musk and Grimes of being on all kinds of drugs. That’s not quite narcing IMO, but it’s definitely rude and maybe narc adjacent.

A good UBI proposal would make her the best candidate IMO.  Pair it with a carbon tax and eliminate most other taxes and that would be my ideal policy.

One of the earlier transsexual heros I can recall off the top of my head. Oz is like Frankenstein or I am Legend, Hollywood loves them but seems not to have read them or entirely missed the point. They try to get fancy and I would rather they not erase what is there already.

But then the ducks reneg on the deal and send more demands.  I guess the cows keep their blankets...

Can I get a source on that? Like that link doesn’t show any involvement from Lois, just some guy not wanting a reporter asking awkward questions on a red carpet in Canada.