
Really Parachutes and Rush of Blood are pretty good albums. I'm not sure whats terrible about them.

It looks generic to me and one thing the books were at their best was weird and unique and not generic

actually its objectively good.

The second season and the last half of the first season is great.

Silence of The Lambs is one of those films that I can't imagine what you would change about. I admit yes the Buffalo Bill is tricky especially watching it with modern eyes but it feels like a movie where every decision from editing, directing, writing, and acting was always the right choice.

I adore the soundtrack for Magnolia but then again I love that film. Never really listened to her other stuff though.

I remember Siskel and Ebert's review. They said it was a flat film and a terrible adaptation.

Very pretty looking video. Something about the lighting is quite striking. Also I like a moody song.

I still find it fascinating that Demme wanted Paul Thomas Anderson to play the husband that the frontman from TV On The Radio played . He even went to the table read and everything.

the problem is the film within the film is fantastic. Its extremely well directed and unbearably suspenseful with great acting. The Amy Adams storyline is dull and does nothing.

The novel 25th Hour is very similar to the film. I wouldn't give all the credit to Lee. He also wrote a very good novel called City of Thieves.

true I also read the book before and quite enjoyed and couldn't believe what a poor adaptation it was especially considering what a masterful job Lee did when adapted The Ice Storm

I love Ang Lee but wow Billy Lynn was bad. I mean I watched it on video so I missed whatever the frame rate would have added but it was tonally off, not really interesting, and some surprisingly bad performances.

Is this movie like Shoot Em Up because that was one annoying and aggressively dull film.

And the new PT Anderson

Did Chomsky believe in conspiracy theories like made up school shootings?

He also believes Sandy Hook was a hoax. Why don't you go tell the parents about how awesome he is.

This is the guy who perpetuated the Sand Hook hoax myth which in turn caused grieving parents to suffer death threats. Why would anyone with a shred of humanity support this man as some on this comment thread seem to be doing.

US have made a lot of bad albums in the past decade. That's why.

Cry Wilderness is great. How does it get better than that?