
Kidman is better in Lion than she has been in years. Shes excellent.

I kind of love this song.

Wild is actually kind of great. It should have gotten more attention.

The Disaster Artist is a great book and deserved a great director.

I haven't read Midnight in the garden of good and evil since it came out and I still remember whole scenes. That book is wonderful.

Keaunu Reeves embodies one of the very true lessons in Hollywood. If you are not the greatest actor in the world (or greatest director) hopefully you are a good guy as that will help you out a lot in Hollywood. If you're a genius and a raging asshole you can play that as long as you're successful but the minute you

As toxic as True Lies may be its extremely watchable mainly because Cameron is a brilliant director and both Paxton and Curtis are great in it. They both seem to get the joke.

I wish I loved David Gordon Green as much as everyone else. Most of his films don't do much for me.

I do not understand the love for The Guest. Stevens is great but the script is so predictable and routine.

I'm surprised people aren't noticing I think the most interesting things.

its really bad though.

I love the film but it seems like the film has gotten backlash. Maybe its because how the public reacted to his next 2 films.

maybe he realized that Soderberg makes it work.

No although The Master is pretty.

Except for The Master and Inherent Vice. Sorry gotta be consistent.

I hear the rumor is that Anderson is acting as his own DP. At the very least there is still no confirmation on the DP.

I don't get you r reasons about potentially not liking In The Line of Fire today. Those reasons to have nothing to do with the film. You should rewatch. Its one of Eastwoods best performances and Malcovich is great.

In the Line of Fire is also great.

Great film. Just well made in a way that few action films today are.

Great film. So assured for a debut feature.